Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Bella's POV

It has been a week since Edward broke up with me, my body has been extreme weak since then. I could catch him glancing in my direction once in a while, I could tell he missed holding me in his arms at night. I wish I knew the reason why he broke up with me, but I just couldn't think of a reason he would have and it just bothered me to no end. When Edward looked at me it was always in sorrow, I would always look away from him. I hated it when Edward looked at me with sadness, it just made me even more madder at him. Alice and Jasper would drive me home everyday after school, but I didn't let them stay there with me because I just wanted to be alone.

Suddenly a voice whispered in my ear, “You don't know the things I would like to do to you.” I became enraged and growled, “Get away from me Mike!” Jessica turned to him and said, “Leave her the hell alone, Mike! She don't want you! You're such a creep!” He turned to her and asked angrily, “What did you just call me?!” I said with a sneer, “You heard what she said you creep. Get the hell away from us, if you don't I'm going to punch you in your face.” He laughed and said, “You're too weak. You're in no condition to do harm or fight me off.”

A few seconds later Emmett was behind Mike and said, “Bella may be weak right now, but I'm not.” Mike turned around and stared at Emmett in fear, then with a smirk Emmett punched him in the face and Mike fell to the floor with a loud thump. I couldn't keep myself from smiling as I looked at Emmett who said, “If you ever need my help, all you have to do is yell my name.” He walked back over to his table and joined the others, while Mike laid on the floor unconscious. Jessica whispered, “Emmett is so strong.” She had a dazzled look on her face, when I looked over at her she began to act like she had a crush on him. I told her, “Of course he is, you can tell by looking at him because he's so muscular.”

When the bell rang I gathered my things and headed towards Biology, I wheeled myself towards the building and didn't worry about Mike harassing me because he was still unconscious. After I got inside Alice came in behind me and started pushing me to Biology. I told her, “I think Jessica has a crush on Emmett now.” She replied, “I think your right Bella, since he punched Mike in both of you guys defense she's probably seeing him a new light.” I told her, “It's kind of weird.” She laughed and said, “Don't worry about it, Bella; it won't last long.” I sighed and just didn't say a word as she pushed me inside the room, I looked down at the floor because I just wanted to avoid Edward who was currently staring at me.

Alice stopped at the lab table I shared with Edward and lifted me off wheelchair, then she sat me down on the stool before walking away. I turned to Edward who was still staring at me and growled, “Stop staring me!” He looked away and faced the front of the classroom, but I couldn't stand the silence between us. I turned to him and asked, “Why in the hell did you break up with me?” He glanced at me and said, “I already told you.” I snarled, “I want the real truth! And I want it now!” He responded, “I told you the truth.” I growled at him, “You're such a liar!” I looked away from him and started ignore his presence, but it just seemed I could let the issue go.

I quickly grabbed Edward and said, “You better tell me, I won't let it go.” He tried to pull away from me, but he could get out of my hold. The teacher came around and asked, “What's going on between you?” Edward said, “It's nothing.” I became full of rage and stated, “This isn't nothing, Edward. You need to tell me why.” I yelled, “Why are you doing this to me?!” He pulled away and said, “I'm leaving, I can't deal with this today.” I said, “Well, if you're leaving, I'm leaving too.” Mr. Banner said, “Neither of you are leaving.” I ignored the teacher and got into wheelchair, I followed Edward as he left the room.

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