Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Bella's POV 

Jasper has been training me for the past three days, my mother helped with the training of course. My mother had laughed when he told her, "You're quite lethal, Renee." He thought with time I would be as good as my mother, which is definitely a good thing. Edward attended each training session, I think he feared I would get hurt. I could feel Edward watching me, sometimes it would distract me and caused me to lose focus. 

Suddenly Emmett charged at me, while I had been distracted and went flying backwards. Edward rushed over to me and asked, "Are you okay?" I growled out, "I'm fine, I was just distracted." He questioned, "By what?" I quickly replied, "By you." He quickly turned to leave the field, he headed inside the house." Jasper spoke, "Well, I hope you'll be able focus now." When I looked around for Emmett, he was nowhere in sight.

A few seconds later he lunged at me out of nowhere, he ended up throwing me to the other side of field. I quickly landed on my feet and anticipate his next attack, when he got close enough I threw him backwards. Emmett definitely was enjoying this, since I could clearly see it from the expression on his face. When I challenged him by saying, "Come and get me," he just smirked back at me without saying a single word.

All of a sudden he came charging at me and for some reason I stood completely still, before he could touch me Emmett went flying backwards; I hadn't touched him, he had collided with the bubble that surrounded me. Jasper and all the others stared at me in shock, so I asked, "Can you see it too?" They all nodded their heads, they just continued to stare at me in shock. Edward came running out of the house towards me, when he got closer he placed his hand on my bubble. It went around him as well, I guess I had at least some control over it.

Jasper spoke a minute later, "You are truly gifted Bella, this power is truly rare and quite lethal. If you wanted to, you could easily kill a vampire with it." I replied, "If Tanya's sisters come after me again, I'll use to kill them." He told me, "I don't think you'll have to worry about that." Edward stated, "I wouldn't be so sure about that, you don't know what they were thinking." I questioned him, "What were they thinking, my love?" Edward turned to me and said, "They thought they would seek their revenge another time." Alice told me, "I'll keep an eye on their decisions Bella, so I'll be able to warn you if they plan another attack." She smiled slightly as I said, "Thanks, Alice. I really appreciate it." 

When I dropped my shield from around Edward and I, I couldn't help but gasp in shock because everyone's thoughts entered my head all at once. Edward quickly asked, "What's wrong, Bella?" I told him, "I can hear everyone's thoughts. I don't know how you can stand it Edward, it's starting to drive me insane." "Well, I guess you are truly gifted. Your shield must be able to copy another vampire's gift. I think you should test it out, so why don't you try it on Alice." Jasper had said. I nodded my head and quickly put my shield around Alice and I, then I released it from her when Jasper instructed me too. Then Jasper told me, "Think of a person, it might be easier for you too...."

Before Jasper could finish his sentence I was suddenly pulled into a vision, I realized it would be taking place on Monday. The sun was shining that morning, the weather was more warmer. Angela and Jessica were sitting outside during lunchtime, they were soaking up the sun. I approached them as they talked about going to Port Angeles. I asked, "Can I go with you guys?" Angela had said, "Of course, I'm going to need your opinion. We're going dress shopping for the homecoming dance." Jessica informed me, "We were actually suppose to go a few weeks ago, but I guessed it had skipped our minds. We're going on Tuesday, after school is over with." I replied, "That's okay with me."

After the vision faded away I wrapped my shield around Jasper without saying a word, then I released him about fifteen seconds later; now, I possessed Jasper's gift too. He told me, "I think we did enough for one day. You'll be ready to fight two vampires at once in no time." I couldn't help but smile, it just please me when he said that....

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