Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Bella's POV

Sometime in the middle of the night I heard my window open, I didn't have to open my eyes to know it was Edward. He paused at the end of my bed and heard him take his shirt off, then he got onto the bed and begin unbuttoning my shirt before removing it. He laid down behind me and pulled me gently into his arms, he probably didn't want to wake me up but didn't know I was already awake. He began whispering in my ear, “I'm sorry for what I have to do to you tomorrow, Bella. I don't want to break your heart, but I have to.” I didn't like what I heard coming from his mouth, he would try to break up with me tomorrow. He murmured, “If you found out what I am you would hate me and be disgusted that we actually made love.” I hated how he belittled himself, I couldn't ever do that to him because I love him so much. I mumbled under my breath as I pretended to sleep, “I love you, Edward.”

I suddenly heard my window being opened again and a voice say, “Don't do that to her tomorrow, you're being stupid.” He told her, “She'll stop loving me, if she finds out what I am.” Alice instantly replied, “No, she won't. She'll still love you. Just tell her what you are and get it over with.” Edward sighed and said, “It's too dangerous for her to know.” Alice told him, “She deserves to know, you had sex with her.” He responded, “I know I should tell her, but I can't.” She told him, “You're such a dumb ass.” I let out a small laugh, but I kept my eyes closed to keep them thinking I was sleeping. I rolled around in Edward arms and rested my head on his shoulder, I let out a content sigh and wrapped my arm tightly around his waist. Alice said, “She knows your here, even-though she isn't awake.” He replied, “I just hope she isn't fake sleeping.” I started to dose off while they continued to talk, I just couldn't keep myself awake....

I began making my way to Cullen's table and was about to sit down, when Edward turned around and said, “I can't be with you anymore Bella, I'm sorry.” I froze as his words hurt me deeply, I said, “No, you can't do this to me.” He stated, “It has to be this way Bella, I can't be with you.” I replied, “You're just afraid I'll stop loving you, when I find out what you are. I won't do that Edward, I love you.” He said louder, “We can't be together, Bella,” which caught the attention of some of the students nearby. I yelled out loud, “You just used me for sex, didn't you?! You thought you could just act like you cared about me and get laid!” He told me, “You're right, I did use you, Bella.” I became outraged by what he said and I snarled at him loudly, “If it weren't for me you would still be a virgin!” That caused Rosalie to laugh, all of them knew he had been a virgin. The others wore a smirk on their face, they found what I said to be funny. The entire student stared at us in shock and some were laughing at Edward, I could tell they were laughing at him because they pointed their finger right at him. I could feel my body was going to give out soon because my surroundings were spinning, then my body crashed to the floor with an audible thump.

Edward's POV

Alice screamed out Bella's name as she fainted just a couple feet from me, I couldn't help but run to Bella. Alice stated, “We need to call an ambulance.” I snarled out, “There's no time for that, we don't know if they'll make it in time.” I lifted Bella into my arms and ordered Alice to follow me, then I quickly left the cafeteria and headed towards the parking lot. Once we were at the car I ordered Alice, “Get in the back with her and hold her, call Carlisle and tell him we're on our way with Bella.” She nodded her head in understanding and got in the back, I handed Bella over to her and got in behind the wheel. I started the car and quickly put it into reverse, then I backed out of the spot and sped out of the parking lot. I heard Alice as she said, “Carlisle, we're on our way to the hospital with Bella.” On the other side of the line he asked, “What happened?” Alice answered, “She fainted.” Carlisle said, “Well, I'm looking at the charts now and it doesn't look good.” Alice asked, “What's wrong with her, Carlisle?” He responded, “She has internal bleeding, it looks like it's in several place. I won't know for sure until I get her into surgery, she should of came in sooner.” I said, “She wouldn't budge on seeing you sooner, she's stubborn.” Carlisle said, “Well, I'll call Charlie and have him come to the hospital.” Alice replied, “Okay,” then he hung up without saying another word.

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