Poisoned heart

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Minato was crying for his mother as Jas came back in as fast as she could with Leo and Riko, it made me worry for her as she examined Nova and her eyes "She's under my sister's control! This needs to be done now before anything else happens" she said making us nod as we forced Nova to lie down at the moment as Jas release's her from Angelica's control, we watched in fear as Nova's eyes became black as she growled in anger and demanded to be released at the moment making Jas order Mikey to get something to tie her down for now so she can work on the spell.

Leo simply stood there, in pain and scared for Nova making me wish I could go to him but Don needed my help to keep Nova still right now until Mikey was done keeping her there, Jas then got to work on the spell making us watch and listen to her chant something that was to help Nova get out of the spell on her right now, but it was hard for Jas for some reason "The barrier... it's making Jas weak right now so she can't do the spell" Kat explained making us look at one another "Jas, loose the barrier. We can look out until your done" Donnie said making me and Mikey nod as she nods and removes the barrier as the three of us run out to watch for anything as Jas did the spell on Nova.

As we kept watch, I knew we had to keep them all safe right now, not many of us were ready to fight at the moment so we could only be prepared for anything with the three of us at the moment, a light slowly came from the house making us understand that Jas was working on the spell right now as Leo slowly came out "Raph!" he yelled making me turn to see there was a shadow jumping to attack me, Leo came to help at that moment making me nod to him as he moved back to help Mikey and then Don in there fight at the moment making me smile to them.

By the time we were done, Jas was still making a light in the house making me wonder what was going on, Kat came out just as we were about to come in "Jas is having a hard time helping Nova with the spell" she explained as Mikey went over to make her sit down "Can you explain?" Leo asked making her nod "Even with the barrier no longer there... the spell that's on Nova is too strong for her to destroy" Kat said making our eyes widen at the news "She can weaken it though... Just not remove it fully" she then finished making Leo nod and look down in disappointment to the bad news "Can't we help?" Mikey asked making us all look at him.

"I mean yeah it's a strong spell but... maybe we can help in some way" he continued making us all then turn to Kat for the answer, she was thinking for a moment before giving us the answer "If one of you were to give her some of your energy... Jas might become strong enough to destroy the spell on Nova" Kat said making us all smile as she then stood up "But we need to figure out who is the strongest to help, if it were someone with a weak level of energy... it would end up with them dead" Kat explained making us nod "So what do you suggest we do?" Leo asked making Kat smile "I know this spell, if you say it and hold out your hands... will be able to see how much energy you have and if your strong enough to help Jas" she explained making us nod.

She went inside to get something, she claimed that with it we could say the spell and then know how strong we were to help Jas, turning to Donnie I saw he was worried for her and how he wanted to help right now "It's fine Don" I said making him turn to look at me "She's gonna be fine, once we help her get more energy she'll be able to help Nova" I then said making him nod to me with confidence as Kat came back out with a book that looked really heavy for her since Mikey moved to hold it for her right before she would have dropped it on the ground "The spell is in there, I need to look into it first to make sure that nothing bad will happen to you when you say it though just to be on the safe side" she explained making us nod as we all sat down as she began to look for the spell.

It took a while but she found it and then quickly began to read about the spell "Alright... it's safe, but you need to have a clear mind... if you don't then the energy you will reveal will take over control on you and you will die" she explained making us nod as she showed to us the spell, it was actually really simple since we simply needed to hold out our hands and say 'Let our inner power reveal itself to us' and then we get an orb of our energy in our hands that Kat will be able to figure out from it who has the most energy to help Jas, we decided to say it at once together so Kat can look at all of them with ease and not need one of us to do it again, we also closed our eyes while doing it so we don't know how it looks "Raph will be the one to help Jas" Kat then said making us open our eyes to see that mine was almost five times bigger then Leo's orb while sadly Donnie had the smallest one.

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