K-9 Kunoichi

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Donnie's point of view.

I woke up the next morning to Jas, Riko and Raph sleeping near me, I smiled at each of them and slowly moved to take Riko into my arms so I could leave the two to get some sleep for now while I feed Riko, when I got to the kitchen it was already with April, Leo, Nova, Mila, Kat, Jim, Casey, Mikey and father "Hey Donnie, they made coffee for you" Leo said making me smile and nod as I took a mug and began to take small sips as I waited for Riko to wake up "What about the four girls?" I asked making April the one to speak "We helped them and in exchange of helping them out of the city, they would tell us Angelica's location and plan" she explained making me nod.

We nodded to this making April nod in return "I'll go tell them and set the whole thing up, i'll make sure to get as much info I can from them before they leave the city" she said and then walked out of the kitchen as Jas and Raph came in both ready to eat and figure out what would be happening next for us all "How is everyone?" she asked making us all smile to her... While her cousin looks away from her and it would be natural since he did try to force her to go back to there world and leave ours for good "April is talking to the four girls for info on Angelica in exchange of letting them safely leave the city" I explained making her nod as Raph got her a seat as we got something to eat for breakfast.

We began to eat making me watch Jas as she ate with a smile... But I still worry about her and how things were going for all of us "Should we start making a plan to fight Angelica?" Leo asked making us all turn to him in question to his words at the moment, none of us were actually certain of that answer... In fact none of us were certain on what we should even be doing next in all of this, right now we didn't know her location or what was happening to her "We need to get some info first, once we know all that we can then we can start on the plan" Jas said making us all nod as April walked into the room "I got some info from them... They didn't know much sadly but let's hope it helps" she said making Jas nod.

"They said that Angelica was praying to some black crystal, it would glow and a mist would be absorbed into her body that she would whimper in pain from" April explained first making me take some paper and write it down "They said she would at times go into her room and she would be speaking to someone... But she was always alone in the room" she continued making Jas slowly look worried about all of this "She stays at Shredder's lair as her home but she changed it for herself... They said she was planing something there to take what she wanted" April said making Jas look at her "Did they say when?" Jas asked making April nod "We have until tomorrow morning before she unleashes her plan" April said making Jas nod.

"Then we have nothing to loose, the longer we stay here without getting our plan set... The more time we loose before she starts her plan" Jas said while looking at us as April set the city map on the table for us to set up the locations and then set the plan we would make into motion as April got the four girls out of the city where they would be safe, Jas began pointing to places where we would each need to be for this to work and looked at Nova and Kat "You both sadly don't have the same power Mila and I have so the both of you will need to stay back for this battle" she claimed making the two look down but now at the information they were given and the danger they would be in if they were to battle.

Meanwhile, April got to the edge of the city with the four girls in the car, they got out and were ready to leave "Please be safe in all of this" the blonde said making April nod "Of course, none of us will die in this fight" she said making the brunette nod "Just make sure the girls have the same level of power" the red haired girl said making April nod "They might not all battle because of that sadly" April said as the silver haired girl pulled out two gems "Give it to the ones who don't have the level the two have... It should awaken it but only for one chance so they need to make it count" she explained making April nod and drive away as the four left the city for a safer place.

When April came back, it was to hand the gems to Nova and Kat and explain to them what they were for "All we need now is set up some teams for this to work" Jas said making us nod as we then got to work on the plan set up and what was left for us to do in all of this, everyone left the kitchen but Jas, Raph and myself making me wonder why Jas looked worried in all of this "Are you alright?" Raph asked making her look at us with a fake smile to my surprise "Yeah, just not sure if my sister will be alright after all of this" she said making me move to her side as she turns to us both "I'm just worried... That we might need to do more then planned during our battle against my sister" she mumbled making us now understand her worries as all we can do is wait.

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