The final battle (part 2)

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Jassie's point of view.

We all watched my sister, the guys were outside and safe now making me sigh in relief, I looked myself over before looking towards my screeching sister... She had lost her mind and I knew it was only a matter of time before things get worse, the girls charged at her as I closed my eyes and prayed in hope of something good happening for us, I wanted this to be over with but in order for that... Something must happen "Keep going girls!" I shouted as my sister screamed in anger as she watches us and tries to attack us.

I knew why she was doing this, whatever took her made her believe she should take power from others so she could be the best... When you need to earn it in time, I felt my heart ache at this as I watch her try to harm one of us, but we were all prepared as she made the crystals glow on her scepter making me look at my own and at our forms... I knew she was going to be a lost cause after all this is over, but I knew I had to at least try to get her back before something must be done about her from this battle "I WANT MORE POWER!!! GIVE IT TO ME NOW FOR I DESERVE IT MORE THEN ANY OF YOU!!!" she claimed making me hold back a sob.

 I knew she was going to be a lost cause after all this is over, but I knew I had to at least try to get her back before something must be done about her from this battle "I WANT MORE POWER!!! GIVE IT TO ME NOW FOR I DESERVE IT MORE THEN ANY OF YO...

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My sister was no longer there... She had died the moment she began to thirst for power and became evil, I no longer had a sister like I always wanted... And this girl needed to be stopped once and for all no matter what the cost, the girls did there best to fight her but she was very strong, Kat and Nova lost there transformation and I helped them leave to get to the vans outside as they could no longer fight with us making me worry if things would end well for us soon enough,  Anemone and Mila were getting tired and even when Ane did her best to heal herself and Mila... I knew there was a limit for her to keep going.

"Ane! Try to keep yourself safe with Mila and only heal when it's needed" I said making her nod as Mila tried to attack Angelica, I did charge to help out but she was very strong and we had limits to the damage we could each do to her, she looked to be enjoying the fact that we were only three against her now making me glare at her as I then knew what to do as I then looked at Mila and Ane as Angelica made a black sphere... As it made the building slowly crumble making my eyes widen "I'm sorry but it's for your own good" I say as I use my scepter to send them outside to safety and then turned to my sister.

Both of us held a sword and she smirked at the fact her black sword looked stronger then mine making me sigh as she charged at me, the building was falling making me know this was going to be my last chance at ending this

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Both of us held a sword and she smirked at the fact her black sword looked stronger then mine making me sigh as she charged at me, the building was falling making me know this was going to be my last chance at ending this... I had to kill her before she kills me to do who knows what after this, I was worried but at the same time I saw she was impatient about me still standing and wanting me to die now more then ever "It's over sister!! Once I defeat you I will take your mates and make everyone obey me!!!" she claimed as she slashed my right side making me gasp as I then looked at her while standing "You are not my sister. She died after being taken by someone" I said making her glare and yell.

She ran at me in rage, I knew it was then end as I raised my sword... And decapitated her, she fell to the ground as I panted and took both of the swords and began to walk out... Before falling to the ground after only taking a few steps to get outside, my eyes began to make me see blurry and I worried that I was going to die under this rubble without being able to see Donnie or Raph once again... A tear ran down my face as I faintly heard someone call out for me making me see Donnie and Raph running over, I began to cry at the fact that they were here for me as Raph took the swords while Donnie carried me outside the building without caring about Angelica's body being on the ground.

He set me on the ground of a van that began to then move, Raph set the swords close to Leo so he could then get to my side in worry from the blood loss I was getting making me watch Donnie as he was trying to stop the blood flow as best he could so he could then save my life... But my vision was fading and I felt like I was going to soon leave this world without being able to be truly with them as Raph took hold of my hand in hopes it would at least give me comfort in some way... But they were both crying at the idea of me dying now after we won this battle in the end after all the hard work we did.

When my eyes closed, I felt like I was floating all of a sudden... It was strange to feel this but in a way I felt at peace... But also hated it because I wasn't with Raph and Donnie anymore, I tried opening my eyes but it was just darkness I couldn't even see my body making me wonder if my eyes were open or not with how numb I felt from my body... I didn't want to die yet, I wanted to be with Donnie and Raph longer then I had up to now, when I felt a hand holding my own and a beeping near me plus the sort of pinch of a needle in my arm... I knew that I was fine and would wake up soon to see the ones I love.

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