Training in skills and energy

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I got in front of Kat, she was looking around for a moment before looking to where Raph and Jas were watching with Jas keeping herself awake as best she could to watch, I felt something almost growing inside of me at that moment... Not much but still growing inside of me right now "Let's start with simply revealing your energy" Kat said making me nod and get to work on her request, she explained to me that by closing my eyes I should be able to find my energy which was harder than it sounded... Because my energy is small actually so it was taking me a long time to even find it "Let's get back to it tomorrow" Kat concluded making me nod.

When I got upstairs, I was surprised when I saw Raph waiting for me at our bedroom door making me look at him confused "Come on, let's get some sleep" he said and pulled me in the room making me blush at the sight of the room... Jas was in bed with sweat and Raph's cum on her body making me slowly get hard from the sight "Or maybe another round of fun" he whispered as Jas slowly opened her tired eyes to look at us "Sleep... Now" she demanded making me move to join her in bed while grabbing some towels to dry her off a bit before cuddling to her and then Raph joining us to get some sleep.

"I really thought she would have joined" he mumbled as I roll my eyes at him "She's still healing, and you think she would have allowed it?" I asked making him mumble as he went to sleep, I simply chuckled as Jas slowly moved closer to me in her sleep seeking warmth making me smile and gain a light blush on my cheeks as most of the time we turned to Raph for heat during the cold winter night, but the fact that she moved to me made my heart skip a beat... Until Raph joined the cuddle making me smile and nuzzle him gently, I then kissed the top of Jasmine's head before joining them to sleep making me then wake up a few hours later to a sound that Raph heard also "Stay here" he said making me nod and watch him walk out of the room slowly to see what made the sound.

It was then that I heard Mikey and Leo waking up and getting ready to follow Raph, I thought about following but then thinking of Jas made me stay with her until they come back... It took but a few minutes for them to return with Raph getting back to bed "It was a stupid rabbit" he mumbled making me nod as we went back to sleep, when morning came, I got ready for training with Kat who was waiting for me outside right now with to my surprise Jas "I wanted to help a bit" she explained making me nod, Kat said that I was to try the same as yesterday making me nod and breath before trying once more, I tried but it was very hard until I felt something... Something slowly moving inside of me, guiding me to where I needed to look at the moment.

Jas was doing this... She was using her own energy to guide me in what I was having a hard time doing, I then felt my energy and grabbed it gently as I feel it wrap around me before I opened my eyes to see myself floating into nothing with to my surprise a deer right before me, it was strange at first that was my thought but then I remembered about how Leo encountered one when we came to the farmhouse to escape the kraang invasion "She won't harm you" I turned to Jas who was floating towards me "She wants to tell you something" she then said making me turn to the deer who slowly lowered herself to my eye level making me try to figure out what she wanted to say to me at the moment.

I didn't hear her speak... Instead it was in my mind, what she said was in my head for only me to hear, as I truly opened my eyes Kat and Jas were standing before me hoping that things went well in the end making me smile to them, I slowly got up and wondered if something happened "Were done with your training" Kat said simply and slowly got back inside to join Mikey leaving me and Jas alone and outside right now "I'll explain once were in bed" she said making me nod to her idea and followed her inside towards our room, Raph was seated on the bed watching us as we walked in making me wonder if something is wrong right now at all or something "Nothing is wrong Don" he said as he pulled me towards the bed where he was at the moment making me nod.

Jas slowly moved towards the bed to join us making me watch as she sat between me and Raph, we stayed like this in the silence for a bit with me wondering about all of this and what was going to happen next "Everyone has this spirit guardian, you and your brother's is the deer you saw, Leo meet it from what I can tell and Raph saw it in his dreams and now you" Jas explained "And Mikey?" I asked as she shrugs her shoulders "I don't know yet, Leo said he would ask him but we still don't know" Raph explained as I turned to him the moment he spoke up from beside me "For now we know that you awoke the energy deep inside of you... This means your stronger and can do more than you could before, with time you will be at the same energy level as Raph" Jas explained making me nod once more as we then laid in bed to get some well deserved sleep for a bit.

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