The final battle (part 1)

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We arrived an hour after we finished the plan about two blocks away from Shredder's lair, Jas suggested this so we could be a bit more safe, April had to stay in the van with Casey in the other car so that as we get out they can drive over to then get away, everyone knew the plan as we had spoken about it as we worked on it, again after it was done to make sure everyone agreed on it, on the way there and once just now before we began to head out, Jas looked nervous as she and Mila transformed "Kat and Nova remember neither of you are to transform unless it's needed" Leo said from the communicator we all had on.

We got all together on a different spot of the building before slowly getting inside for the battle of our lives, I knew this would be a hard one for Jas because she was fighting her own sister... So it was certain that it might be too much for her when we begin we all got into position while watching for Angelica with the fact she might talk to us to follow her in mind... But then she slowly walked into the throne room we were hiding in and we saw she was no longer the same as before now for it wasn't the form we saw before now as we were all certain that she was stronger then before.

It was for certain that now we might not stand a chance against her, but we still had to try as Jas and Mila jumped in to face her "It's over Angelica!" Milana claimed as she instead began to laugh before looking at them with a creepy smile "With ...

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It was for certain that now we might not stand a chance against her, but we still had to try as Jas and Mila jumped in to face her "It's over Angelica!" Milana claimed as she instead began to laugh before looking at them with a creepy smile "With all the power I carry... I think NOT!!" she shouted as she made creatures to match the four gems on her scepter making us all jump in with Kat " STAR PRISM POWER!!!"  and Nova "ICE PRISM POWER!!!" shouted as they both transformed as Anemone coming over to help us in the fight.

 I think NOT!!" she shouted as she made creatures to match the four gems on her scepter making us all jump in with Kat " STAR PRISM POWER!!!"  and Nova "ICE PRISM POWER!!!" shouted as they both transformed as Anemone coming over to help us in the ...

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The two joined them making Angelica growl in anger as she made her creatures charge at all of us, but the girls were strong

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The two joined them making Angelica growl in anger as she made her creatures charge at all of us, but the girls were strong... And so were we as we began to use our new powers to fight while calling for another's help at times to back one of us up so we don't go down in battle, of course Jas would make sure Raph and I was fine just like Nova made sure Leo wasn't hurt and Kat called out to Mikey to make sure he was still up and about... Angelica on the other hand didn't like this at all as she charged at Jas in hopes to win at this for once and to defeat us all... But we all knew she would do this and Jas was ready.

We all began to move to get into teams of two, the battle was going faster now as we destroyed the creatures quickly and in joy... But then we heard a scream, I turned with Raph to see Jas on the ground with Angelica floating over her while laughing in joy at defeating her sister "NOW I AM THE STRONGEST!!!" she laughed as she turned to us as she was now going after us... But then she looked at me and Raph "And both of you are now my mates" she giggled making me mentally gag at the thought as I noticed Jas trying to stand up as Anemone moved to protect Raph and I "You won't have them" she claimed.

"Oh? And why is that?" she asked as she giggled "I mean, I could defeat you all with the snap of a finger... Just like I did to the trash of a sister I have" she said making Raph growl in anger as I tried to stop him "Were stronger then you, your all alone while were a team against you... You have no power but what you took that doesn't belong to you" Anemone claimed making Angelica scream in anger at us as Jas stood up at last making Leo quickly move to get to Jas and bring her to Raph and I to keep safe... Making Angelica get even more angry at how as she claimed failed to destroy her sister as Anemone whispered "Berry prism power" making our eyes widen.

It was an amazing transformation to our eyes as she then turned to Jas "Berry's light" she said as she made her rod touche Jas and it began to heal her wounds, we were in shock as Jas was now able to get up with ease now and looked at her sister w...

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It was an amazing transformation to our eyes as she then turned to Jas "Berry's light" she said as she made her rod touche Jas and it began to heal her wounds, we were in shock as Jas was now able to get up with ease now and looked at her sister with confidence "You can't stop us sister! The light always destroyed the darkness and it will be destroyed once again!!" Jasmine said as Angelica began to mumble in anger while screaming at us, it was then that she launched a bunch of attacks at us making the girls grab each of us to get us to a safe spot.

"Sadly this is no longer your battle, please stay here or get outside to the cars and will join you later on" Jas said making me nod like my brother's agreed as we then decided to wait for an opening... But then the rods all began to glow, Kat, Nova, Mila and Ane's rod then made a beam towards Jasmine's... Making her then begin to glow, Angelica shouted in anger "NOOOO!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE THE POWER!!! IT IS TO BE MINE ALL OF IT MINE!!!!" she exclaimed as she launched another attack but it was destroyed as Jas transformed once more to our surprise.

 Making her then begin to glow, Angelica shouted in anger "NOOOO!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE THE POWER!!! IT IS TO BE MINE ALL OF IT MINE!!!!" she exclaimed as she launched another attack but it was destroyed as Jas transformed once more to our surprise

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Just like Angelica... Her scepter had four crystals, and they matched the girls making me understand that they were for them... But for what I didn't know, Leo then said we needed to move so we ran out without looking back... But I knew Raph looked back to see Jas one last time before we had to wait for them to come out from the battle... But it felt like something bad was going to happen to them in there, and I was worried it was going to be Jas for some strange reason.

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