Spirit of the deer

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Kat brought me back inside "You need to simply place your hands on her back, she will do the rest" Kat explained making me nod, I noticed how disappointed Donnie was at being so weak with his energy making me feel bad for him as I decided to try and help him later on with that, I got into place like Kat said and felt my energy barely leaving me at the moment as I closed my eyes and tried to send more to her so to help right now but Jas was slowly taking some from me right now but it was fine since as I pushed some to her she accepted it making me smile.

"I'm done Raph" Jas said making me pull back from her as she slowly stood up with my help, Donnie and the other's came back in with Mikey untying Nova as she was sleeping right now making him then get Nova on the couch with Leo watching over her with there son, Donnie and I brought Jas upstairs so she could rest a bit "She should wake up soon, a bit confused but better" she said making Leo nod as he watched over her as we got her to our room and into bed as she sighed in relief to be in bed right now "At least that's over with" Donnie said making me nod "You OK?" I asked making him look to me as his eyes showed how disappointed in himself he was at being able to do nothing but build and help people.

"Donnie? Is everything alright?" Jas asked making us both turn to her as I wondered what to say to her right now, I decided to tell her "We had to figure out who could help ya with energy so we did a spell an Donnie had the least" I explained making her look to him as he looked down "It's alright Donnie, your energy will get stronger soon" she said making him slightly smile and nod to her as we both then joined her to bed just to give her some warmth and be almost like heat packs for her, she went to sleep moments later making me smile as Donnie worked with her hair "You know... She loves you too Raph" he said making me chuckle to his words "I'm not joking... She tells me sometimes that she's much happier now that you're with us" he continued making me look at him in slight surprise.

"Really? She said that?" I asked making him smile to me as he nodded "Yeah, she loves you Raph... And so do I we both love you" he explained making me smile, he moved slowly towards me as we then kissed making me quietly moan as we kissed making me then blush while he smirked at me at that moment as he pulled back from me "Eager much?" he asked making me glare "Shut up!" I snapped back quietly, he chuckled and then moved to get comfortable and  then went to sleep soundly making me then look at both of them for a moment and then the door, windows as I then nodded and went to sleep for the night.

Donnie's point of view.

I woke up to Jas slightly turning to the side, Raph mumbling in his sleep and Mikey quietly singing as he cooked making me open my eyes to see both of my lovers still sleeping at the moment, I slowly got up and out of bed as they slept at the moment making me smile and walk out of the room to see Nova holding Minato while Kat was seated at the table with Leo who was drinking his tea, I smiled and moved to join them at the table as they both greeted me with a smile as I sat down "There still sleeping?" Leo asked making me nod "Jas worked hard and you know how protective Raph is of us" I said making him nod in understanding as Mikey came over with a few plates of food making us thank him as Nova then joined us at the table.

Jas came down slowly with Raph helping her towards the table as Mikey went back to the kitchen to make something for the both of them, I smiled as I slowly watch her sit down at a chair making me smile to her "Slept well?" I asked making her nod as Raph sat next to her with Mikey working on there food, she let out a yawn before setting her head on the table to sleep a bit more making Raph get her a blanket to keep her warm making me understand that he woke up and wanted to get something to eat so he got her to wake up when she was still tired at the moment "Your taking her back to bed later right?" I asked making Raph nod as Jas went to sleep as Mikey came over with a plate for Raph making me understand that Mikey noticed Jas was still tired at the moment.

I then looked over to Jas and thought about yesterday, I wasn't strong enough to help her with Nova, Raph had to do it making me feel useless at the moment... But Jas said I would get stronger soon "If you want Donnie I could help you grow stronger with energy" Kat suggested making me look to her in surprise at her words at the moment making me then smile and nod to her, when Raph finished eating he moved to lift Jas in his arms and carry her back to our room making me smile as I also finished eating "We can start after I ate" Kat said making me nod as I waited for her outside so we could begin my training, I looked up to the window Jas and Raph were watching from with a smile making me notice how Jas was forcing herself to stay awake just to watch me, I nodded to her as Kat came out so we could begin as I felt pumped for this.

Bonded by the white thread of hopeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang