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Donnie's point of view.

This was all my fault, Jas is now like this because of me... Once again in a coma and might die at any moment if i'm not careful to care for her, of course I have Raph there to help but I feel like this is also hurting him each time he looks at her not waking up and needing to listen to the machines to let him know that she's still alive, the others try there best to help us... But there was nothing else to do but wait for her to wake up and I felt like I was dying with each passing minute.

I wanted her to wake up, I was very worried for her condition as I didn't want her to be in any sort of pain or with any difficulties when she wakes up... The others do visit often to talk to her or even to take over for me so I could get some sleep, Jimmy and Mila left after the battle so i'm for certain there not coming back now but Ane does try her best to help out as best she can with anything making me watch her at times before Raph takes me to bed so we can get some sleep or to care for Riko together, sometimes I would wonder how Jas is doing and if something was happening but so far nothing and I just still worry about her each time that the days go by.

"How is she?" I turned to Raph who walked into our room, he said he wanted to check on Jas before coming to join me in bed with Riko making me nod and wait as I had Riko in her crib already when he came in "She seems to be doing a bit better then before, but Nova told us that nothing tells her if she's going to wake up soon" he explained making me nod as he curled up in bed with me, Raph said a soothing hand on my shell making me sigh... For the last few days I have been having nightmares of Jas dying and everyone began to blame me for it, worst part  is each time I see Riko grown up and looking different each time and she would also blame me for the death of her mother who never got to see her grow up or anything.

Yesterday was the worse because Leo exiles me and I need to be hidden as I watch my daughter get married and have children like the others do before Raph wakes me up as I was crying and mumbling in my sleep the whole time... I had begged him to not tell anyone and he agreed but he wanted me to tell the others at some point making me accept that "Let's get some sleep alright?" he asked making me nod as we closed our eyes and went to sleep "GUYS!!!!" I sprung up at the sound of Nova's voice shouting making me panic that something bad happened to Jas just now making us quickly get up and go to my lab.

I was shocked at the sight of Leo slowly helping Jas to sit up on the cot, this made me unable to do anything but just stand there as she was seated, Kat and Mikey went to the kitchen to prepare something for her to eat, Ane went to watch Riko before going to bed while Nova and Leo went to bed deciding to tell the others the good news in the morning, Raph went to her side to see how she was while I just stood there making her look at me "Donnie? Are you alright?" she asked making me then begin to cry at the sight of the woman I love being alive and awake now making Raph pull me towards them so we could hug making me try to calm down.

"Let's examine you and then go to bed" Raph said making me nod as I got to work, he did help me at times of course but then there was also the fact that Jas was now awake after some time, she said nothing and smiled to us as I then went to her injury and I held in a sob at the sight of it making Jas nuzzle me gently in worry for me as I shake my head to her and got to finishing up what I was doing and then helped her to stand so we could get to our room where Raph was going ahead to and waited for us until we arrived to the bed where we had Jas between us "Are you in any sort of pain?" I asked making Jas shake her head to me "I'm fine I promise" she responded making me sigh in relief.

When she went to sleep it was to holding my hand and being curled up on Raph, we smiled towards her as we watched her for a moment "Do you think it's over?" Raph asked making me look at him in wonder "I believe so, her sister is dead now and there isn't any danger coming after us anymore so it should be fine" I said making him nod as he then looked at Jas as she slept soundly between us making me then follow after her and go to sleep as I feel Raph's hand on my shell making small soothing circles on it before maybe going to sleep like myself and Jas were now doing.

I opened my eyes to Jas watching me, I smiled to her as she moved to kiss me as I chuckled at her in return "Hungry?" I asked as sadly Kat and Mikey had gone to bed without making the food they had planned to make for her during the night, she nodded and I slowly carried her out of the room and into the kitchen where Kat and Mikey was making breakfast, they all saw us and smiled as we sat down to eat... I looked to Jas with a smile making her turn to me and do the same as I then realize everything was back to normal and we would all be happy at last.

But it won't be forever...


Hey guys! Hope you all liked the story... But don't worry as this isn't the end I have one last part to this collection called Connected to the ring of there life, you guys will be able to read the adventures of Riko with her team as they go on patrols and fight the newest generation of vilains While there parents try to teach them as much as they can. I hope you all like the story so far!

PAL out!

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