Chapter 1: Mean n' Define

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What is an EDITORIAL?

*It is called as the "heart" of the publication.

An article that states the newspaper's stance on a particular issue. It is a persuasive essay that offers a solution to a problem.

An editorial is one of the writing styles used to expressed an opinion or reaction to timely news, event or an issue. Most editorials are used to influence readers to think or act the same way the writer does. Not all editorials take sides on an issue but have one of the following three purposes:

1. Inform - The writer gives careful explanations about a complicated issue.

2. Encourage - The writer encourage the reader/s to support his/her side and to take side with his/her stand.

3. Entertain - The writer entertains the reader.

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Editorial - Editoryal Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon