Chapter 6 : Night Time Comfort (Third Person POV)

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It was late and humid night in the second week of June.  Everyone had fallen asleep that night except for Zane; who was having trouble falling asleep.

Ever since they've boarded "S.S. Gate", e's been having trouble trying to get some sleep.

Maybe it was the sea's waves crashing against the boat, rocking it constantly?

Or maybe it was the impending fear that it'll become the next Titanic?

"That's stupid! Starlight doesn't even have the proper weather conditions to even have icebergs! I'm going crazy!" Zane internally contemplated. 

He then began to think that the hot summer air was making him go a little loopy. 

That was probably true. 

Without having something to do, he stared blankly around his room. He stared around his room, just trying to bore himself to sleep at least

Sitting up and leaning against the headboard of the bed frame, he groggily looked around. 

The all white bedding had become a moonlight light blue as the moon shined through the window placed high up on the wall. 

A small fan made a quiet humming sound as it blew a warm breeze in Zane's direction. It didn't help with making himself cooler. 

"Wait a minute.." He murmured to himself. "What am I doing!? I have a phone!" 

He unplugged his phone from its charger and began going through social media. But after a few minutes, he became...unsettled. 

"Take a look at this new post by ~.Rellik Ruoy.~!"

It was a digital painting of a black figure holding a potion with an eerie purple liquid in it. The figure ad a creepy smile that stretched ear to ear with white glowing and piercing..."eyes".

It gave Zane a minor chill that spread throughout his whole body as he developed cold sweats. 

 The flashbacks from the lodge hit him like that, making him a little spooked out - a little shook, y'know?

He closed the social media app and shut off his phone, plugging the charger back in and placed it on the nightstand once again. 

Suddenly, footsteps thundered through the the hall. It didn't seem like a male's footsteps. They were too light. 

A knock on the door made him jump, even though he thought it wouldn't scare him. 

That happens to me a lot. I dunno why! XD

For example, an ant would be crawling on the sidewalk I would be sitting on and it would make me jump so bad. I get teased for it, but I can't help it! ('∀')

The knock was quiet and faint. The room was silent enough for him to hear heavy breathing on the other side of the door. 

He got up and went to the door. 

Immediately after the door swung open, he was hit with a tight embrace from the person below him.  

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry-y-y-y~! " They cried as their tears fell down their cheeks and onto his shirt. 

He looked down, only to be met with a head full of pink hair. However, it looked like a light lavender due to the lack of lighting around them and the moonlight shining from the living room area. 

It was Nana. 

"Hey, hey! Calm down." He said, embracing her in his arms. She continued to cry into his shirt, although her sobs were hushed. 

Zane parted and led her into the room. She placed a hand onto her cheek and still couldn't stop the flow of tears. 

She closed the door behind them and followed him to the bed. They sat down next to each other, one of their hands intertwining with each other's. 

"Nana..." He began with a hushed tone. "What's wrong? You came to my door apologizing to me, crying all the while."

"I-I'm so-orry. I just-" She broke out into another sob. She used both hands to cover her face.

Zane pulled her hands away so he can look at her. Nana looked up at him, her eyes rose-ish pink with a glossy shine. 

"Tell me what's wrong." Zane cooed, looking into her eyes. 

"Well." She said, trying to hold back tears. "I had a nightmare where I saw myself. It was like I was spectating my own life, except... it didn't seem like me. It was like an evil me who was ruining my life right now."

She inhaled sharply. 

"My eyes were a pale blu-ish gold. And they were being so mean to you. They said really hurtful things to you and were constantly harassing you. I couldn't do anything!"

She hugged him tightly. 

"At some point, you had enough and you were..." She looked up, backing up slightly. "You were breaking on the inside." She murmured, placing a hand over his heart. 

He looked at her too. 

"I'm sorry that I came in here like that. It felt so real that I thought it was true." She told him. 

He smiled at her and said "Don't worry. No matter what you say to me, I'll know if it's the real you. I love you, Nana! And I know you love me too. Heh." 

He kissed her on the forehead, making her smile with tears in her eyes. 

They curled up on the bed with Zane sitting on the edge of the bed with Nana on top of him. 

They dozed off after a while, feeling safe one again after the crazy couple of days they have been having these couple days. 


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