Chapter 22 : Trying To Fix Him (Third Person POV)

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Zane didn't come out of the bedroom for the rest of the day. Garroth ended up having to sleep in a guest bedroom for the night.

He was alright with that, considering the fact that he wouldn't have his room back anytime soon. If it would help out his younger brother in letting out his feelings instead of keeping them bottled up inside, it was worth it. 

The others, however, grew worried about him. They tried to bring him some food, but he never touched any of it. They knocked and knocked, but with no such luck. 

Zane's stomach rumbled, but he restrained from wanting to eat. This worsen the effect of Garroth's overprotected-ness, wanting to break down the door and do something

But what good would that even do?

It wouldn't even help him; if anything, it would make Zane more stressed.

But it wasn't good for him to just sulk in his pit of sadness and disappointment. 

Aphmau begged and bothered Lucinda to know what would it take to fix Zane. 

"He's not okay ! Have you seen him? He hasn't come out of his room since yesterday, and I'm really worried about him. As his best friend, I want to be there for him and not to just sit here and let him be depressed in that room! Even Garroth has been stressed out since his own brother won't even talk to him at all! I just-"

"Aphmau, please! I'm trying my best, but YELLING at me isn't going to do anything. Trying to find the mysterious substance on the flower or any sort of substance takes a long time."

Aphmau shut her mouth completely. Now she felt bad for yelling at Lucinda.

"I'm almost done though. Just please, be patient with me and we'll find Kawaii~Chan and make sure that  she's alright and happy with Zane."

Aphmau nodded in reply, apologizing for blowing up on her before. 

She wandered over to the bedroom Garroth was staying in. He found him running a hand through his hair, his stressful face evident. 

"Garroth? You alright?" She piped up. Garroth looked up to meet her concerned one. 

"A-Aphmau..." He began. "Can I talk to you . . . please?"

She nodded, moving over to sit next to the big, lovable goof of an older brother. 


"Take your time."

"I feel as if I never did a good job as an older brother..."

"Why would you say that? You have always been  a great brother to Zane. Especially compared to the other sibling pairs that I've seen."

"You don't understand..."

"Huh? How so? "

"You've never seen the way Zane was treated back at home growing up. During the recovery from the lodge, he admitted everything that he's been holding back since we were kids. Kids."

"I was always treated better than Zane growing up. My- erm, our father has always liked and cherished me more than anything. It was like he was seeing himself live another life all over again."

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