Chapter 18 : It's Complicated.. (Third Person POV)

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As everyone headed back to the villa, lamp posts began to light up the sidewalks of which they walked on. 

They chatted happily, Aphmau being in a better mood, motivated to set her operation into motion. She chatted with Garroth and Nana about nothing in particular. Just random things!

Garte and Zianna talked as well. But it was more like Zianna talked to an unresponsive Garte. He couldn't really get anything out of his mouth as Zianna constantly cut him off.

Not that he minded, since Zianna has a habit of doing this. 

Zane walked beside the others, but didn't say anything. 

He was thinking about what went down after Aphmau had stormed off. 

He noticed that Damien had walked out of the hallway Kawaii~Chan had gone into. And that kinda made him suspicious...

He excused himself from the table, explaining that he was just gonna check up on them. 

He walked in on their  conversation, surprise, surprise. But that's not the thing that has him thinking. 

What does is what happened between her and Damien.  Like, what happened between them?

He didn't want to be annoying with his paranoia, but still. 

She's his girlfriend. 

"Zane~Kun? Are you alright?" Kawaii~Chan asked, tugging onto his sleeve. 

He hummed in reply, causing her to furrow her eyebrows in worry. 

"You're worrying me..." 

Zane didn't reply. 

"Is it what your dad said? You shouldn't be worried about anything that he said. He just doesn't understand since you're not one to socialize."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Zane asked, eyeing her suspiciously. 

"I-It's nothing! I didn't mean anything by it." 


They continued to walk, an awkward silence growing between them. 


Garroth was sitting alone in the upstairs lounge area. He was talking to someone on the phone about anything in particular. 

It was kinda early in the morning, so it surprised Zane when he walked in the lounge. 

He rubbed his eyes with one hand, still being a little groggy from waking up. 

"Morning baby brother!" Garroth shouted, waving at him.

He waved lazily in respond as he began to walking towards the stairs that led downstairs into the kitchen.

Once he did, he noticed a plate of pancakes on the kitchen counter.

They were topped with blueberries sunk into blueberry puree that  dripped over the sides of the pancake. 

Everything was topped with powdered sugar as well, but surprisingly didn't touch the note that laid beside it. 

He walked towards it curiously, noticing that his name was written in cursive on it.

Zane opened it, and began to read it. 

"You seemed a little upset by last night. I'm sorry if it was something I said...

I wanted to make up for it, so I made you some breakfast. 

I know it's been difficult for you with your father being here  and all, so I wanted to make you feel a little at home. 

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