Chapter 15 : Parent Problems (Zane & Third Person POV)

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As I sat on the living room on the second floor, I began to just drift off in my own mind. I thought about my relationship. 

But then I began to think about what Garroth had told me...

. . .

So, me and Garroth were sitting on the opposite sides of the bed. 

We sat criss-cross on the bed until...

Lol, sorry to interrupt, but does anyone remember adults telling you to sit "criss-cross applesauce"? Or is it just me? xD

"So Zane.." He began, looking at me. His hands were clapped together as they lowered to point right at me. 

My head perked up from my phone to meet his eyes. 

"I understand that you and Kawaii~Chan haven't been dating for over a year, but~..."

"But what?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. 

"Have you two...y'know..?" He trailed off, shrugging his shoulders and making weird hand movements. 

"What?" I asked.

"Y'know..."Sharpened pencils", as they say."

At that moment, I felt my face burn. Like when the steam from a pot of boiling water hits your face

"Soo..." He began. "You have...?" Garroth said, before bursting out into a laughing fit. 

I glared at him and crossed my arms, but he kept laughing at me. 

"It's not funny. " I spat, still looking like an emo cherry with black hair. 

"And no, we haven't, if you're thinking what I think you're thinking. Why do you even need to know?!" I exclaimed, feeling very flustered. 

"I just wanted to know! Don't hate on me." Garroth said, putting his hands up. 

"I get that we're brothers, but still! I don't see the point!" I rebuked. 

"I know that we made a pact to be more open after everything, so I wanted you to be more open with me. Especially when you're in a relationship you haven't told me about for like 7 months."

"But not that!" I spat once again. 

My face still felt warm, but not as hot as before. 

Garroth then began giggling while I still sat there, beginning to blank out. 

"I would hope that you and KC do have a child though. It'll look so cute! OMI!" He flailed his hands around, fanboying. 

I rolled my eyes, as we began talking about a new topic. 

. . . 

I then began to wonder about what he said. 

Just thinking that me and Nana would consider the option of begetting a child is just..

A pair of arms wrapped around me, breaking my thought process. 

"Hey, are you alright?" A soft voice asked. 

It turns out that Nana was next to me with her head on my shoulder. 

"You seem distraught." She said. 

"I'm just thinking." 

She hummed in reply. 

Suddenly, I heard a bunch of conversation coming form downstairs. 

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