Chapter 7 : Are You Alright? (Multiple POVs)

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It's been a few weeks since we've last seen the  MyStreet gang. Nothing noteworthy has been happening and, If there was, it would be said here.

But things have been getting stressful for Zane and Nana. They act like it's nothing, everyone experiences it; it's FINE


They play it off so easily. 

"Oh no, I'm alright!"

"She's fine. If something was wrong, I would know and tell you."

But it's not "fine".

They're not okay

Y'know what I mean?

Third Person POV



"You can't keep lying to me all the time. I know you've been losing sleep."



"Zane, please. You know that you shouldn't have to worry about me. You were brought here to forget about your worries, y'know."

"But you're worrying me right now!"

"Zane! Shh! You're going to wake up everyone else. It's past midnight."


Zane sighed aloud. From the corner of his eye, he can see her feet swaying in the pool water on the boat deck.

Nana looked down into the water, smiling wearily. Even in the moonlight, the bags under her eyes were highlighted with a dusty light blue glow. 

She turned her head and looked at him. He turned to look at her, his eyes tired with a slight frown. She beamed and leaned in to kiss him. 

He closed his eyes and kissed back, placing his hands on her waist. Nana smiled in the kiss, causing Zane to do the same. 

Once they pulled apart; which took a little while; Zane still seemed a tiny bit agitated. 

"Y'know..." She began. "You're a lot easier to kiss when you're not wearing your mask." 

Zane only grinned from ear to ear in response. 

"Your company makes me feel special. And not alone. Sometimes, it's just nice to talk to someone about anything, really. You even stay up with me at ungodly hours just talking and making me feel loved."

"Aww! Zane!" She cooed.  Nana encased him in a tight hug wit her cheek pressed against his. 

Zane chuckled with a playful mood as a reaction. He pulled away from her and kissed her forehead, to which she pouted at. 

Nana tugged him by the shirt and kissed him passionately! Zane was taken aback a bit by her forwardness, but decided to roll with it and pressed his lips against hers. They couldn't stop beaming as the two kissed one another. 

Zane and Nana kept playing around for a while, just having fun and being a silly and love-struck  couple. 



On the same morning, I walked down the stairs after freshening up. I yawned while walking downstairs into the kitchen to grab something to munch on. 

But now...

I regret it. 

Once I entered the kitchen, I heard singing from two people. One was fairly well and the other was....

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