Chapter 23 : Lost In My Own Thoughts (Zane & Nana's POV)

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I laid on the bed, tired above all else. I didn't want to eat nor drink anything that Damien had offered me.

Every time I was forced to, that sickening feeling followed by the pain it had caused was something I never wanted to experience in my life again.

But it just kept happening over and over...

I had managed to get by off of what change I could find around the house. Damien would often leave or wander off, sheltering me and pretending that I don't exist. 

I don't even know what he does in there...

Maybe making more of that fucking poison...

I clenched my stomach, the pang of hunger hitting be once again. I let out a whine, the pain becoming too much. I wanted to cry, and let everything out. 

I miss my life.

I miss my friends.

I miss Zane..

I stood up from the bed and struggled to walk down the hallway. I was trying to head to the secret stash of money I kept spare. But a hand stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going? I have something for you to do for me~." He cooed. The tone of his voice sent fear straight through my body.

I felt a shock rack through my body as I realized something. His eyes...

They were cloudy...

I couldn't tell what that emotion in his eyes were. It was like nothing I have ever seen before, which was saying something.

I have had a lot of guys in my life; most of which I couldn't even remember the names of or even had a first kiss with. But his eyes scared me the most. 

"Don't be scared. You'll be safe in my hands very soon." He said, while leading me back to the bedroom.

At this point, I was scared. I didn't want to be taken advantage of because of the current state I'm in.

I'm saving myself for the perfect guy. 

And I've already found him. 

I struggled against him, but he only gripped tighter as I grew more scared and more panicked. My mind turned to the worst as I was sat onto the bed, Damien sitting beside me.

The adrenaline flowed through me as I had a little more strength than before if I had to make a mad dash for it. The door was closed, but it wasn't locked. 

Damien grabbed my face in between his thumb and the rest of his four fingers. I felt my cheeks become squished in his villainous hand as I felt a chill down my spine.

"You trust me, don't you?" He asked, a fake sense of care blinding whatever true intentions laid behind that mask of his.

To my surprise, I nodded my head without even thinking? What's wrong with me!? 

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