Ch. 1

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"Woah! Watch where you're going dobe!" A raven called out in anger. 

"What'd you call me, teme!?" A blonde replied back with just as much force. 

"Jeez. You're so clumsy. Just watch where you're going." The raven sighed in exasperation.

   Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto were good friends. They've known each other since they were babies, it was due to their parents being good friends. Though recently, Naruto's parents were caught in a horrible accident on their way home from work and they were immediately sent to the hospital. Sasuke's mother quickly took in Naruto, who is like another son to her.
Right now, Naruto and Sasuke are having one of their daily arguments.

"Sasuke! Naruto! You two are acting like fools!" An older raven walked into the room, annoyed.

"Itachi nii-san! Sasuke started it first!" Naruto pointed an accusing finger at him. 

"Eh? You're the one who started it first,  Usuratonkachii!" He pointed at him too. 

Itachi sighed. He isn't in the mood to listen to the 12- year old's pointless arguments again.

"Naruto, Sasuke, if you two don't stop fighting, I will lock you in the basement chained together!
Understood!?" He glared at them. 

"Yes..." They quickly silenced themselves.

"Good, now go help Kaa-san set the table for dinner." Itachi smiled. 

Both of them ran down the stairs to get away from the older raven as quickly as possible.

"Sasuke, you're brother is really really scary." Naruto whispered to him.

"I know. That's why I told you not to get onto his bad side." Sasuke sighed.

   They went to the dining room and started setting the table.


"Ne, Sasuke, do you think my parents will get better?" Naruto suddenly asked. 

   They were lying down on the bed in Sasuke's room.

"Of course they will, dobe. It just takes time. They'll get better before you know it!" He tried to encourage him. Though he knew it's only a slim chance of them surviving. They were hurt pretty bad in the crash.

"'s been 2 months already. I'm starting to think they'll never wake up from the coma." Naruto sighed.

"Don't worry. They will, I know it." Sasuke sighed as well.



"Would you miss me if I left?"

"Dobe! What kind of a question is that?" Sasuke sat up.

"I mean, it's not like I can stay here with you forever. Right? Everyone will find their own way of life someday." Naruto muttered while sitting up to face Sasuke.

"Well yeah, but you won't be leaving me anytime soon. I know it."

"You seem to know a lot of stuff, teme." Naruto pouted.

Sasuke chuckled. "I'm a genius, remember?"

"Whatever." He grumbled.

"Naruto, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"What if your parents did die? Would you stay here with us?"

   Naruto paused. He never thought about that. He was always thinking that his parents would survive, that his parents would come back to him.

"I have no choice do I?" Naruto chuckled while scratching the back of his head.

"I guess you don't." Sasuke's gaze lowered to the floor.

   An awkward silence fell over them, until someone interrupted it.

"Ahem. May I join you two? I have something important to discuss." Itachi knocked.

   The boys nodded and made room for him on the bed.

"Um...Naruto, I have something to say." Itachi said, but he looked uncomfortable.

   Naruto held his breath. It must be about his parents. Are they alive? Are they dead?


A/N: Hey people! This is the book that I told you I will rewrite, exact title and same beginnings! It will just change a bit towards the middle area. People who haven't read the original story, don't worry about it, it's basically the same beginning so you don't have to go back to read the other book. There won't be exact publish dates like I did with the other one. I might publish two in one day, or not publish in a week or two. It depends. Hope you enjoy this version more-bye!

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