Ch. 12-Happy Birthday Naruto!

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Summary of Ch. 11-
Sasuke and Naruto were pulled out of school to celebrate their birthdays! (Tho it's actually Naruto's birthday). It ended with them cuddling and sleeping both saying they love each other. <3

Sasuke's POV

   I woke up to find blonde hair right in front of my face. Usually that would make me grumpy, but I missed that at the academy so I, for once, am happy to see his hair.

"Dobe. Morning." I grunted.

   He turned over slowly and heaved a sigh.

"Oi! Your breath stinks!" I shoved him away after having a whiff of that morning breath.

"Well yours doesn't exactly smell like flowers either!" He frowned while attempting to smack me.

   I grabbed his wrists, rolled on top of him then pinned his wrists above his head. Naruto's eyes went wide, causing a small smirk to form on my lips.

"Naruto, you know the situation you're in right now?"

   He gulped and nodded his head slowly. I lowered my head to the point where our lips are so close to touching. His breath was hot against my lips and his eyes were starting to glaze with lust. I bent down closer and —

"Sasuke! Naruto! Wake up and come down for breakfast!!!" My mother screamed from downstairs.

   Naruto's eyes went wide and he pushed me off of him in a hurry. I smirked, another time another day I will have him.
   I got close again and pecked him on the lips which cracked a small smile from him. I then went downstairs with him following close behind. I am a little pissed with the interruption, but it would be improper to do that stuff with him since we're only 13! Just a few more years, then he's all mine.

"Sasuke, Naruto, good morning." Itachi's voice echoed in the kitchen.

"Morning." We both said at the same time.

"Were you boys up or did you guys just wake up?" She asked. 

"We woke up when you called us down." I said while sliding into my chair. 

   Her eyes narrowed and she stared at us for a few seconds before returning back to whatever she was doing. 

"You boys ready to have some fun today?" Itachi asked with a smile. 

"Of course! What should we do?" Naruto jumped in his seat like an excited little kid would. 

"Whatever you want to do. It's your birthday." I chimed in. 

"Okay, let's...why don't we just stay home and spend time together?" He suggested. 

"That isn't a bad idea. It would be fun anyways." Itachi agreed. 

"If that's what you want to do, then I'm okay with it." I agreed as well. 

"Alright, you boys go up and do whatever you want, I'm sorry Naruto, but work called me and I have to go drop by real quick to see what the problem is. I won't be gone long." Mom said as she walked out the door. 


A/N: Yes, this is a cliffhanger. Yes, I took another million years to update. Yes, the is a very short chapter. It was Naruto's birthday 10/10 but midnight passed and well let's pretend I posted it yesterday on time. It's short, I didn't feel like writing anymore and I'm tired, so I'm gonna end it here, but to make it up to you guys I'll update sometime the weekend, or I'll try to update sometime on the weekend. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience and I really really appreciate that you guys are sticking with me and being patient. You guys are all really really really nice and I really really really appreciate that. Thank you so much! ~

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