Chapter 1

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"Aah!",I whimpered in pain as I fell on the floor. I looked up to see Lola Starr, the queen bee of our college, giving me a wide grin, her blonde hair looking as if she was having a quickie in the janitor's closet.
Although she was four years older than me, she was only a grade ahead.She moved here the previous year, telling everyone how she started her education 'late', but I strongly suspect that she'd have miserably failed- thrice.

"Eh, you filthy little jerk", she snapped her fingers at me. I looked up only to regret it. She took out the pink bubblegum from her mouth, and pasted it on my forehead. this caused a roar of laughter throughout the corridor.

"This", she said,"is where the garbage belongs. To the dustbin.", she walked away, with a proud smile on her face, accompanied by her minions. I pulled out the bubblegum, wrapped it in a paper, and threw it in the dustbin.

I walked towards my locker, my eyes down. As I passed by, I received shitty remarks and names from people.
People always picked up on me. Why? You'll know that as soon as I come to know myself.

"Adela... stop!"
I turned around, to find my bestie... actually, my only friend, Nisha, running towards me, like a maniac.


She turned me, to pull something from behind me. "Look at this."
The white piece of paper, previously pasted on my back, read-


"Stupid fucking teenagers", she muttered, as she tore the note and threw it away.
She gave me a tight hug, "only if you hadn't made me promise", she mumbled.

...Three months ago...

"Excuse me ?"

I turned, to find an Asian girl, looking at me.


"I'm Nisha Rai, exchange student from India. could you please point the way, to locker no. 102? I'm new here."


I led her towards the lockers.

"Why are they staring at us, like that?
"It's me they're staring at", I replied, " "You wouldn't want to be seen with me"
"Uh... why would you say that? What about your friends?"

"Uh... I say that because I'm the freak of this school. And for your second question... i don't have any friends. I mean... you surely don't want to hang out with a freak?"

She sudden ly put a hand on my shoulder, "Hello, friend."

...flashback over...

We walked silently towards our geography class.

"Eh, Hagrid! something ugly's stuck on your... oops, it's your nose, I guess."

"I can bet you bathe once an year... Is that a cootie in your hair?"

I blocked out their voices. Everyone... seriously?! Don't they have a more useful work than making miserable the life of a female singularity?

"Adela, I swear I can give a broken bone to all of them. just give me a chance."

"Shush, Nisha. Just ignore them."

It was just her fourth day at the place when she badly brusied a girl, who called me an ape. She got detention.

Later, she broke the nose of Paul from our english class, who put a rotten egg, in our locker. Detention for her, again.

Finally, when she got her fifth detention only within her second week, for breakind a senior's jaw, who tried to throw me in the dustbin, I made her promise that she'd never defend me again. Unfotunately, many students heard, and they started to bully me again.

People call me names. Not because i'm some oversized Shrek or jumbo ( I can wear crop-tops). Although I'm no Snow-white, either.
I wear glasses. I am Adela Shepard. T he eighteen- year old freak of this place.

Sooo... Adela has been introduced. Our Alpha, next!


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