Chapter Two: Specimens

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"Seventeen, you have a doctor's appointment after breakfast," a guard told Elizabeth through the bars of her door in the morning.

Elizabeth groaned. It was too damn early. She had barely slept.

"Breakfast!" another guard called and the doors were opened.

Elizabeth groggily got up, her hair a rat's nest and her blue eyes full of exhaustion and anger. Her glasses were crooked. Anyone to cross her would face serious consequences. Needless to say, she was not a morning person.

Elizabeth got her breakfast and slammed the tray down on the table as she sat down.

"Someone's a grump," Uno observed, sliding onto the table across from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth glared at Uno, using her patented Death Glare. No one bothered her in the morning. No one.

"Leave her alone, Uno," Jyugo told Uno as he sat down at the table next to Uno. "She's clearly not a morning person, can't you see?"

Elizabeth huffed a thanks to Jyugo and began eating her waffle. Damn, it was a good waffle. This prison really did have some of the best food in the world.

"I know, it's good, right?" Rock asked, sitting down next to Elizabeth. "This prison, best food I've ever tasted!"

Elizabeth finished her waffle and took a sip of the water that she had taken. Ahh, fresh water, ice cold. It helped to wake her up. Now if she could only get some caffeine, she'd be golden.

"So how are you enjoying Nanba so far?" Nico inquired as he sat down at the table.

Elizabeth shrugged, more awake now that she had eaten some food and drank some water. "Eh. I've only been here a day, so I don't really know all that much. It's okay, I guess. A lot better than some previous prisons, I suppose."

"It is, isn't it?" Rock agreed. "No other prison has had food this good. I was nearly starved in one! If not for Jyugo, I never would've gotten out."

"Same here," Nico piped in.

"And me!" Uno agreed.

"Wait a second," Elizabeth said, pointing her bacon at Jyugo. "So you're saying that he's helped you escape out of prison because of food?"

"Well, no," Nico replied. "He's helped us each escape from different prisons for different reasons. I'm terrified of needles and I was being used as a test subject for some dangerous stuff, so Jyugo helped me get out."

"And I had a date," Uno told Elizabeth.

"Why does that not surprise me?" Elizabeth groaned.

"Because I'm the number one pretty boy here," Uno said confidently.

"Doubt that," Elizabeth countered, biting into her bacon.

Uno was affronted. Who was this girl to insult him like that? He was a pretty boy! He was the prettiest boy in Nanba! No matter what that stupid contest said! Seitarou was in no way prettier than he was! "I am pretty!"

"Sure," Elizabeth replied sarcastically.

Gasp! How could this girl be immune to Uno's charms? Rock, Nico, and Jyugo all laughed.

"Looks like you're having a little bit of trouble there, Uno," Rock commented.

"Yeah," Jyugo agreed. "Seems like someone doesn't like pretty boys."

"But I'm super pretty!" Uno countered, his voice cracking.

"Sure, Uno," Nico said. "But Elizabeth doesn't seem to think so!"

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