Chapter Six: Elf Flies Again

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(*Disclaimer: Naomi Moonfall is not my character. Credit to the character goes to hpgeekgirl_14 )

The next few days passed without incident. Though she spent a lot of free time in the game room, Honey and Trois never seemed to bother her much about the dress and makeup. No one else was bothering her, either. Elizabeth assumed that they hadn't told anyone. They had seen her scared, after all. She wouldn't put it past Honey to tell people, but Trois. . . Something about him stuck with her. He was actually. . . nice. He had probably convinced Honey not to tell anyone.

Elizabeth still hadn't found Jyugo alone or had a chance to talk to him alone about the specimen stuff. She really wanted to. His reaction when she told the group what had happened to her had let her know that something similar had happened to him.

Finally, during free time one day, she caught him alone by cornering him.

"Hey, Jyugo, we need to talk," Elizabeth said.

"What about?" Jyugo asked..

"I know you know who Elf is."

Jyugo's eyes widened. "How-"

"Your face when I told the group. You seemed surprised and terrified, like you knew who he was and what he's capable of. I want to ask you some questions."

"Ugh, fine," Jyugo replied, moving over to an empty table that was out of earshot of everyone else. "What do you want to know?"

"How do you know Elf? Elf mentioned you, but he called you 'Specimen Fifteen.' What does that mean? He seemed interested in you, why?"

Jyugo sighed. "He worked for this man. The man with the scar. At one of my earlier prisons, he put these shackles on me, which give me a weird power. I can summon these blades whenever I want. They're part of me and I can't take them off. As for the 'Specimen Fifteen' part, all I can tell you is that I can only assume that since my prison number is fifteen, they used it for my 'specimen' number. He's interested in me because apparently, I'm not supposed to be here. He attacked me one night and tried to take my brain."

"Why did he attack you?"

"Because his boss, the man with the scar, wanted my brain. He used me as a test subject. For a while, I couldn't control the blades and what I did with them on. I assume he used me so that that wouldn't happen to him."

"What happened when he attacked you? Did he tell you anything?"

"Actually, yes. Elf said that this prison had lots of good people for the taking. I tried to escape to get him away from my friends, but Hajime and the others stopped me. Until your incident a few weeks ago, I haven't heard of him since."

"Is there anyone else like you that you know of? The way Elf made it sound, there were more of you and he wanted to get more."

"Actually, yes. Musashi from Building Four. He's a pyro, quite literally. He can control spontaneous combustions that happen to him. You can see if Kenshirou, Building Four's supervisor, will let you talk to him. I don't know if he'll let you, though. Kenshirou's kind of. . . strict."

"Alright then. I'm done asking questions for now if you want to go."

"Actually, I have a few questions myself. About your encounter with Elf."


"You said he cut your stomach. Did the knife he use have any sort of design to it?"

"Yes, actually," Elizabeth replied. "It was black with gold swirls. It also had a ridged side to it."

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