Chapter Five: Kiji's Surprise

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"You look like you got hurt pretty bad," Nico observed the next morning at breakfast. "Hajime caught you fast, didn't he?"

Elizabeth rubbed the top of her head where Hajime had hit her. "Never been caught that fast before. Come to think of it, I've never been caught before. No prison guard could ever catch me."

"Yeah, we've never escaped here, either," Nico replied.

"Hajime's too tough for us," Rock said, biting into his breakfast. "We've tried to escape many, many times. Furthest we ever get is the outside wall. Hajime's always there, waiting for us."

"Remember when Hitoshi chased us?" Uno asked, laughing.

"Oh my goodness that boy was terrifying!" Rock laughed. Noting Elizabeth's confusion, he continued, "Hajime used his little brother, Hitoshi, as a weapon when we decided to test whether or not they were actually brothers."

Elizabeth laughed. "Oh my goodness, that sounds horrifying."

"It was," Rock confirmed. "Hitoshi may be small and girly, but damn is he tough."

"You guys are all idiots," Elizabeth teased as she bit into her bacon. "And damn it this food is better than any restaurant that I've ever been to!"

"I know, right?" Rock exclaimed. "I love the food here! I love food in general. That's why I escaped every prison that they put me into. The food there sucked!"

"Prison food does suck ass," Elizabeth noted. "It sucks skunk junk."

"Huh?" Jyugo asked. "Skunk junk?"

Elizabeth shrugged. "I was referencing one of my old favorite tv shows called How I Met Your Mother. It's from the final season."

"I've heard of that show," Rock said. "I've never seen it, though."

"Neither have I," Nico put in. "Rock and I are both American, but we were both sent to Juvy first."

"How old are you guys now?" Elizabeth inquired.

"Well I'm eighteen," Uno said.

"I'm sixteen!" Nico replied.

"I'm nineteen," Rock said.

"And I'm sixteen, too," Jyugo said.

"Wow," Elizabeth replied. "Two of you guys are younger than I am."

"How old are you, then?" Uno asked.

"I'm seventeen," Elizabeth said, shrugging. "I robbed so many banks and stuff, though, that when I was arrested at fifteen, I lost the right to be treated as a minor. I was never sent to Juvy, only adult prisons."

"That's actually kind of cool," Nico admitted. "I spent a lot of time in hospitals and mental wards. There were so many needles!" Nico shivered. He really hated needles.

"So is training mandatory?" Elizabeth inquired. She had been obligated to sit out of training for the past three weeks due to her stitches. She had never gotten the chance to go.

"Nah," Jyugo informed her. "It switches around from building to building. Building Five usually takes training because they house a lot of combative types. Rock was in Building Five when he was sent here."

"Then they transferred me to Building Thirteen," Rock continued. "And things haven't been the same since. They've been better!"

"That's good," Elizabeth replied, continuing to eat her breakfast.

After breakfast was done, all the inmates went back to their cells. Elizabeth indulged herself by watching some Yuri!!! On Ice while she waited for training to start. She could use some exercise.

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