Chapter Nine: Real Nightmare

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Oh, free time. How glorious free time could be. Elizabeth was spending free time in the game room with Trois. They were good friends by this time. She had just beaten him in a game of pool.

"You're quite good at pool," Trois told Elizabeth.

"Thank you," Elizabeth replied, swiping some stray hair out of her face. "You're not so bad yourself. Where did you learn?"

"Pool halls in France," Trois said. "Plus my parents had a table at home."

"My dad had a table. He taught both me and my brother how to play."

"You had a brother?"

"Yeah. He was about a year older than me. I'm actually horrible compared to either of them."

"Well you don't seem horrible to me."

Elizabeth felt her cheeks grow slightly warm. "Thanks. Maybe we're both bad."

"I've watched you play. You're really wonderful at this game." Trois walked next to Elizabeth and rested his hand on her shoulder. It wasn't that hard, considering he was 5" taller than her. "I don't even know if Uno could beat you."

"COME AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE, YOU LIMP NOODLE!" Uno's voice rang through the game room.

Elizabeth burst out laughing while Trois gave a polite chuckle.

"Did he just. . . reference Mulan?" Elizabeth asked.

"I don't know, I'm afraid I've never seen it."

"You've never seen Mulan?! It's only one of the greatest Disney movies of all time! You should bug Kiji to let you watch it."

"What's it about?"

"So it takes place in Empirical China, when the Huns and stuff were trying to invade," Elizabeth began to explain. "Naturally, there needs to be men to fight. One man from every family. In this one family, there's an old man who had already served in a war. He has one daughter, Mulan. When he's summoned, she dresses as a man and takes his place. It's a great movie, really taking gender stereotypes and kicking them in the ass. It also gave rise to one of the best Disney songs ever!"

"Which song is that?"

"Make a Man Out of You. It's so catchy!"

Trois chuckled. "You're very passionate."

"You should see me about Harry Potter. I'm way worse."

"At least you admit it. Many people don't understand just how bad they actually are and try and deny it."

Elizabeth shrugged. "I do try and be self-aware."

"That's fair. Do you want to play another game?"

"Only if I break."

They spent the rest of free time playing pool, letting Rock join in on their last game, which Elizabeth won. Rock wasn't all that bad, either.

Elizabeth loved spending her free time in the game room. She had made a good friend in Trois and she enjoyed spending time with him like all of her friends. He was in a different building, after all. She got to see her friends in Cell Thirteen at every meal, but Trois was different. He seemed to be spending most of his free time in the game room as well. She hoped that they would stay good friends.

Elizabeth read many books and watched a lot more anime in her cell, catching up on stuff she had missed and stuff she had always wanted to read or watch. She did attempt an escape at least once a week, on occasion joining in with Cell Thirteen in their escape antics. She had a blast! Elizabeth usually ran back when Hajime started beating them all up. Didn't always stop her from getting caught, though.

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