Chapter Three: A Nightmare Come True

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(I'm adding how Elizabeth looks in this. Yes, I know she has short hair in the picture and long in this, but she cuts it off later. You'll see why in the next chapter.)

Elizabeth woke up in the infirmary, groggy. She had a bandage wrapped around her forehead and another wrapped around her stomach. She had various bruises on her arms, legs, and back. Must've been from the wriggling and fighting she did.

Last night. Did that really happen? Her scattered bruises and bandages seemed proof enough.

"Good, you're awake," Okina said.

"What happened?" Elizabeth asked, putting a hand to her forehead, running her fingertips across the bandage while she reached for her glasses with the other hand and slipped them on. "I remember going outside for some air, then this guy came up and attacked me, then nothing."

"The guards found you alone and bleeding pretty badly," Okina explained. "You were pretty banged up. Why were you outside?"

"I was feeling a little overwhelmed and I just needed some fresh air," Elizabeth told him defensively. "I fully intended to go back to my cell."

"I'm sure you did," Okina replied. "That cut on your stomach was pretty deep. It's gonna take some time to heal."

Elizabeth groaned. "How long is it going to be?"

"Well, I had to sew it up," Okina began to explain. "Stitches usually take a couple weeks to heal. Don't lift anything heavy or put stress on that area in any way until I determine that they're healed, okay? I don't want them opening up so I have to resew them."

Elizabeth nodded. "So what do I do now? How long have I been asleep?"

"Well you were naturally unconscious for about five or six hours and I had to put you under so I could properly sew the stitches," Okina told her. "Deputy Supervisor Yamato brought you in. He was out training last night when he heard something, so he went to check it out. You should thank him. How did you get cut anyways?"

"Are the guards going to wonder why?"

"Undoubtedly. Want me to have the supervisor come in so you can explain to him what happened?"

Elizabeth nodded. "I'd like that, thank you."

After a few minutes, Hajime walked into the infirmary, his eyes full of something intense that Elizabeth couldn't quite put her finger on.

"You wanted to talk about what happened to you last night and why you were out of your cell in the middle of the night?" Hajime asked. As usual, he was miffed that an inmate had disobeyed his orders and been out of their cell when it wasn't a meal, training, or free time.

Elizabeth looked Hajime straight in the eyes. Man, was he tall. He must've been at least a foot taller than her. Probably even more. She was only 5'4", after all.

"I was feeling overwhelmed, so I needed fresh air," she confessed. "I fully intended to go back to my cell. I was only out there for a few minutes before I decided to go back. Unfortunately, as soon as I decided to leave, someone grabbed my ankle. I turned around to see who it was and it was this terrifying looking guy who called himself Elf."

"What did he look like?" Hajime asked, his interest piqued.

"He had blonde hair, green eyes, and pointed ears," Elizabeth recalled. "Pale skin, too. He also had a knife that looked like a saw."

"Continue with your story, Seventeen," Hajime ordered.

So Elizabeth did. She told Hajime everything; how Elf had pinned her down, stopped her from screaming, and what he did, up to her slipping into unconsciousness.

Number Seventeen(A Nanbaka Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt