Chapter Eleven: Kiji Meddles (In A Good Way)

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(Warning: This chapter deals with issues such as depression and the refusal to eat, causing unhealthy body proportions. Read ahead at your discretion)

Over the next few days, Elizabeth had refused to leave her cell. She was getting thin, her hair stringy and unkempt. She ignored the callings of her friends, ignored the guards trying to get her to eat. She only drank tiny portions of water per day. Even Seitarou couldn't convince her to leave her cell, and he was her favorite of the guards in the prison. At least Seitarou had taken the letter away. That awful letter, telling her that she was the world's worst person. Maybe she really was an awful person. Maybe she deserved that.

"HE DID WHAT?!" Hajime demanded once he had finished reading the crumpled-up letter.

Seitarou, clearly scared, said, "I told you we shouldn't have given her that letter, Sir. It's awfully cruel."

"Cruel doesn't begin to say what her awful father wrote," Hajime growled. "He lost the right to call himself that by writing this letter."

"Sir, I did warn you," Seitarou replied nervously.

"This man doesn't understand the importance of family. One of my inmates is starving themselves because of this!"

"I know, Sir. But-"

"If you say 'I warned you' one more time, Seitarou, you're fired."

"Yes, Sir."

"I'm going to talk to Seventeen," Hajime said, standing up. He put the letter in a file.

"What are you doing with that?"

"If her parents ever visit, I am going to shove that letter in their faces. They deserve to know just how important family is."

Seitarou nodded. "Alright then, Sir."

Hajime walked to Cell Twelve and slammed open the door. Elizabeth was curled up in the corner, the same corner that Trois had found her in seven days earlier. She hadn't moved. The cell had begun to smell due to Elizabeth's body odor. She had gotten painfully thin, even though it had only been seven days. Elizabeth hadn't even slept since before she got the letter.

No inmate had been allowed in her cell since Trois' visit. He had only been allowed to check on her since there had been a history of her getting attacked. Now guards checked in on her cell during breaks.

"Hey, Seventeen," Hajime began. "Stand up. You've been moping in here for a week now."

Elizabeth just groaned. She didn't have the energy to even try and move.

"Stand up, Seventeen!" Hajime ordered. "I read that stupid letter from your father, if you can even call him that. It was horrible, I get it. If I ever see him, I am shoving that into his face to make him see just how terrible it really is. But you have to get up. If you stay in here, refusing to eat or shower, you're going to starve yourself to death. So get the fuck up and come with me."

"Where?" Elizabeth croaked. Her voice was hoarse and dry. She had only drank the bare minimum of water that she needed to survive.

"To the infirmary," Hajime stated. "So come on, Seventeen. I'm getting you some food and water. Okina's going to take care of you, make sure you recover."

"I don't want to," Elizabeth managed weakly.

"That's it." Hajime grabbed Elizabeth's arm and yanked her up, forcing her to be on her feet. She was pretty much dead weight, but not because she didn't want to stand, because she couldn't. Not really.


"Why? Why am I making sure that an inmate doesn't die on my watch? Because it'd be a lot of paperwork, that's why."

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