Exciting Opportunity

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Hey guys! This isn't part of the story, but I'm working on a quiz for the story so far. It'll be on Elizabeth and her life, her personality, and story events. The reward will be pretty awesome! No, unfortunately it isn't money or anything like that. I am a broke fangirl writing this. But I do have an awesome(Or at least I think so) idea.

So whoever wins this little competition and gets the most questions right will get to give me, the author of this little adventure, an idea that you want in the story! It has to be non-dirty and non-relationship(I've got plans for this department and I refuse to write smut), so start thinking up of ideas! Whatever you want, whether it be ridiculous or seriously dark, I will gladly put it into the story and give you, the winner of the competition, credit. The idea can be anything from something short that can happen in a sentence or paragraph to a whole chapter that you want to or think should happen.

Start thinking! If you think this is a good or bad idea, just let me know what you think in the comments. I love you guys and am super thankful for all of your support. I cannot believe that I got over 60 reads in just over a week. Did I mention how awesome you guys all are? Well, you are!

Lots of thanks and love,


Oh! I almost forgot. Want to send me any questions, comments, concerns, or feedback? I have an email account set up for that! demigod.witchdw(then the at symbol)gmail.com

Number Seventeen(A Nanbaka Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora