Chapter Thirteen: Heartbreak

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Each guard went back to their buildings after discussing what to do about the dead guards. Writing to families, offering a burial service, rewards were in order. They had given their lives fighting for good, so they deserved to be honored. It was past two in the morning when the guards finally left the roof.

Hajime went back into Building Thirteen, feeling defeated.

"Hajime, where's Elizabeth?" Nico asked when he saw Hajime alone. "We've all been up, terrified. What happened?"

"She's gone," was all Hajime would say.

"What?!" Rock demanded, slamming against the bars. "Where? What happened? Tell us!"

"She was taken!" Hajime snapped. "Now go the hell to sleep. It's been a long day and I want to get some sleep, too."

In Building Four, Kenshirou felt obligated to go to Musashi and tell him what had happened. When he had finished, Musashi was quiet for a moment.

"So we're no closer to getting me out," Musashi finally said.

"Unfortunately, no," Kenshirou replied. "But that isn't even the point, Six-thirty-four! Weren't you listening? One of the inmates is missing. The Warden's going to be furious!"

"And you're scared that she'll fire you and you'll never get to see her again," Musashi observed. "You've got a crush on her, so that would be the worst thing for you."

"That's not just it," Kenshirou stated. "If an inmate goes missing, there's going to be a news story. Family members are going to have to be notified. Everything's going to go to hell."

"Don't worry so much, Kenshirou," Musashi said calmly. "We'll get Seventeen back and we'll catch Elf."

Building Three was the worst. Trois had stayed up, terrified and worried. He was constantly pacing his cell, waiting for Kiji to get back. When he finally did, looking dejected, Trois ran up to the window.

"Kiji, please tell me you've got good news!" Trois said.

Kiji's shoulders fell. He knew how Three felt about Seventeen. This was horrible. Reluctantly, he told him what happened.

"WHAT?!" Trois demanded, furious. "SHE'S GONE?! YOU LET HER GET TAKEN?!"

Honey scoffed. "Why are you freaking out so much? It's not like you two were in love."

Trois immediately turned on Honey. It wasn't like him to freak out like this, not get this angry. "Shut up, Honey! We might've been! Now she's gone and nothing could ever happen! You're an ass, Honey! A complete ass!"

"So what?" Honey said nonchalantly. "I don't care. Seventeen hit us, Trois. She tried to destroy our handsome faces."

"That's enough, Eighty-two!" Kiji snapped.

Trois turned on Kiji, his magenta eyes filled with a rage that was so unlike him. A rage more powerful than anything. "You let this happen! This was your idea, Kiji! If it weren't for you, Elizabeth might still be here! This is all your fault! You let her get taken away, Kiji, and now we'll never see her again! She might die because of you!"

Kiji and Honey were both shocked at Trois' behavior. Trois was shaking with fury, which was so unlike him. Kiji couldn't even snap back at Trois, he was so surprised. When Trois ran at the door to try and get out and attack Kiji, Honey snapped out of his shock and grabbed Trois to hold him back.

"Calm down!" Honey insisted. "I know she's gone, I know you care about her, alright! But there's nothing we can do. You have to calm down. We'll find her, but we have to stay calm now, Trois. We won't be able to do anything until the morning."

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