Chapter 16

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Sorry, I was busy (for real for once!)

----Luke disappeared for 2 days, and Lucy doesn't know where he went

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Luke disappeared for 2 days, and Lucy doesn't know where he went.  She's mad at herself and Luke at the same time. 
Isn't couples should talk things out? Why is he being like this? Why can he just tell me? Lucy thought to herself.
Then she thought I don't care anymore Luke, just... come back please... I miss you...
Lucy truly loves Luke and Luke loves Lucy, but they just don't understand what each other want from them, even though they try to...

Luke came in, saying hi to everyone.
Some people glared at him, for the mistreatments that he gave to Lucy.  They feel guilty and they want to make it up and care more about Lucy.  They are just trying protect Lucy from the pain that Luke is giving to Lucy.
Meanwhile, others like Mira just looked at him and smile, they understand what's happening and they want the couple to talk it out... They understood that they are "outsiders" to their relationship, they can't judge Luke and Lucy from the given information. They understand that they might make the problem bigger and worst, even though they're trying to fix their relationship.
Luke came to Lucy: Luc, can you follow me?
Lucy: Ok
In the park
Lucy n Luke: Im sorry.
Luke sighed: Im sorry, Lucy.  I should think more about how you're feeling instead just from my point of view.You probably think thought that I thinking that you're too weak, that probably I don't want to share the secrets with you.  That might be true.  I do think you're weaker than usual, because that the baby is absorbing your energy and use it as its own.  Also, that person is stronger than you think, way stronger... so before I tell about him, you need more training.
Lucy looked down: I understand. -Lucy walked forward and hold Luke's face- I really understand now.  -hugs Luke- I'm sorry, it really bothers me when you keep secrets from me. I know you're just trying to protect me, but I just wanna help, no matter how small the help is.  It's all because I love you.
Luke hugged Lucy tightly and kiss her forehead.
Lucy n Luke: I love you.

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