Chapter 25

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Rules: This contest is called "Hidden". The participants are sent to different locations in a town magically created, which is filled with clones of competitors. Mages gain 1 point when they attack another competitor, they lose 1 point if they are attacked by another competitor or if they attack a clone. 10 seconds after being attacked, the Mage will respawn in a different location of the city. Restarts can happen as many times as necessary until the time limit is reached. The mage with the most points after 30 minutes is the winner. (Thanks to Wikia for the rules!!!)
Lyon: Hello, my beautiful Juvia.
Gray grab Juvia by her waist: Lyon, we're dating, you're out.
Lyon cried.
Gray: anyways, -looked over to Mato- Before we start, I have a question that I'm been dying to ask -bend a little- What are you?
Mato shakes: Who? Me! My silly boy, I'm of course, um, a pumpkin.
Juvia: Well, you do look like a pumpkin to me.
Gray: Well duh, of course he looks like a pumpkin in the outside, but what's inside there?
Eve: Well I never thought of that question...
Beth: I figure that someone inside that costume.
Eve and Beth bowed: Good job sir, you have created an excellent character.
Mato: Thank you!
Nullpudding: One more thing, isn't it a little unfair that Fairytail have two teams and the teams dont have two members?
Juvia and Gray both look over to Nullpudding.
Gray: What?!
Mato: I understand your concern, but we never would thought that there would be two teams from the same guild would pass the preliminary round. I guess it's their reward for going around the rules.
Rufus: I'm completely fine about it. In fact, two heads are not necessarily better than one.
Jagar: If I have to fight two fairies, then bring it on.
Apple Jack jumped around: This is going to be fun!!!
Bobo and Tiffany both laughed.
Rima: Kusukusu, I feel this is not that fun as Amu said...
Kusukusu laughed.
Angela: Woah, Rima what is that little clown next to you?
Everyone looked at Rima.
Rima blushed and got nevous: You can see her? Um... well, shes my guardian!
Kusukusu laughed: Ohaya, Im Kusukusu, borned from Rima's desire to make people laugh!
Rima blushed and cover Kusukusu.
Beth: That is so cool!
Nullpudding: doesn't that makes two members from Guardians?
Gray: I'm hate this guy.
Juvia holds Gray: Same.
Rima got angry and frowned: Well, I would like to be with me.
Mato: It's completely fine! Well, let the contest begin! -hands up-
Build raised up forming a town.
Natsu: Woah!!
Elfman: That's is so cool!!!!
Lucy: It must take a lot of magic power to create it!
Then, clones of the particiants started to appear.
Mato explains the rules: Let round one begin!
Gray looked around: The clones look so real! But its not stop in me- ah!
Nullpudding appeared from the ground and attacked Gray.
+1 appeared in Nullpudding's head.
Gray frowned and continue looking around, and Nullpudding attacked him from behind again.
Gray appeared in a different location: I'm so done with this. -start running-
Rima looked around: Kusukusu, let's transform.
Kusukusu: heehee, ok!
Rima: My heart, unlock!

Rima/ Kusukusu: Clown Drop
Rima's clone all changed to clown drop transformation.
Everyone: Woah!
Crush: Garhhhh! -jump on top of a house and jump to the bottom, a hole was made- -attacked John from behind and got a point-
--- this is the point where I got lazy to describe fully what happened---
Everyone are attacking each other and gaining points very quickly.
The time is running out...
Mato: the round has ended! The results are...
Lamia scale
Blue Pegasus
Sky Spy
Mermaid Heel
Fairytail B
Quatro Cerberus
Fairytail A
Love's Miracle
Girls Generation
---- The battle: It's going to really short, explain their magic/ or not and the result, no fighting parts at all ----
Friendz isn't playing
Battle 1: Toby v Kuro (Lamia Scale v Raven tail)
Toby: poison claws
Kuro: idk (I'm so bad)
Bet: Kuto loses tell Toby his real name, Toby loses tell his secret to Kuro

Result: Kuro wins and rips Toby's long lost favorite sock (which was in his neck the whole time), which is also uncalled for.

Battle 2: Killer v Alexander (Sky spy v Revolution)
Killer: uses requip weapons
Alexander: script magic
Result: Killer wins

Battle 3: Mirajane v Jennie (Fairytail team B v Blue Pegasus)
Event: Things just got heated up... (watch fairytail)
Result: Mirajane won by bending the rules

Battle 4: Kagura v Yukino (Mermaid Heels v Sabertooth)
Kagura: Gravity Change
Yukino: Celestial Magic
Event: The thirteenth key?!
Result: Kagura

Battle 5: Tadase v Jack (Guardians v Random)
Tadase: Platinum Royale
Jack: Charm magic
Result: Tadase won

Battle 6: Elfman v Bacchus (Fairytail A v Quatro Pupp- Cerberus)
Elfman: Takeover magic
Bacchus: Palm Magic
Result: Elfman wins by this little

Battle 7: Jessica v Luna (Girls Generation v Love's Miracle)
Jessica: High Pitch Magic
Luna: Dove Magic
Result: Luna wins

Mato: The final result is... Team Random came in last place with the score of 0!

And Day 1 ended.
I tried...

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