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As soon as Harry had profusely apologized for his inappropriate behavior, Louis had accepted it, and the five boys were all laughing in the living room for a good ten minutes, we ventured back into the meeting room and took up the spots we were previously occupying. Harry held my hand under the table.

"Now we need to figure out this Seth situation," Harry said, addressing everyone.

"Well I don't think he'll be looking here anytime soon," Liam replied. "I mean, does he really expect Alice to come back here?"

"Yes," I piped up quietly. Five pairs of eyes went to me, making me feel slightly self-conscious but I forced the words from my mouth. "He asked if any of you were around before... before I left. I didn't answer him, but he said..." I looked over at Harry who was watching me intently. "He said not even Harry Styles could save me this time."

Harry's eyes darkened immediately and he held my hand tighter in his. "He won't get anywhere near you, Alice. That fucking--"

"But that doesn't mean he knows where Zayn's flat is," Louis offered, obviously attempting to calm Harry down. "I mean, he knows where the bar is and your flat, Haz, but not Zayn's."

"He saw you take me home," I whispered, realization setting in. As soon as Seth was able to drive, he would be coming for me. I wasn't sure if he would check Harry's flat, the bar, or Zayn's flat first, but wherever I went, he was going to find me.

"Then we'll just have to move you," Zayn said.

"She can come to mine," Louis offered, watching Harry's expression. It was quite obvious that he was unsure about this, but I on the other hand thought that it was a perfect idea. Out of all the boys, aside from Harry, I was sure that I liked Louis the best. I trusted him.

"Lou's is the most out there, Haz," Liam agreed slowly. "I think that's the best alternative."

"Yeah, alright," Harry finally agreed before an authoritative tone took over his voice. "So this is how it's going to work. Niall, Zayn, and Liam will scope out my flat and the bar, as well as Alice's flat. If you find anything, you report back to meimmediately. If not, I want you all back at Lou's flat as soon as possible. Louis, you'll take Alice back to your place and I'll meet up later. I've got some things to do."

I squeezed Harry's hand gently under the table and he looked at me. "You're not... doing something dangerous, are you?" It sounded like a stupid question aloud but I didn't particularly care. I felt as if Harry's safety was a priority to me now. I couldn't physically protect him, but I could at least know what he was getting into.

"I'm always doing something dangerous," he smirked, not sensing the seriousness I had asked my question with.

"Is it something dangerous?" My voice was flat and his eyebrows raised immediately at how harsh my words sounded. I didn't regret them.

"I'll be okay," he promised me in a whisper.

I just looked at him, trying to tell if he was lying or not. I wanted to know where he was going and what he was doing, not to be nosy or anything but to simply be reassured that he was going to be okay. I had several ideas of what he was doing, and I didn't like a single one of them.

"You have to swear," I told him.

"I'll do you one better," he smiled. "Pinky swear." He held his free pinky up and a small laugh escaped my lips before I curved my pinky around his.

"Pinky swear," I nodded. Harry leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, and though I knew the kiss would be short, and I'm sure everyone else was aware of this too, I still heard Zayn mumble, "Get a room you two."

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