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I felt like I was being irrational. For all I knew, that Aspyn girl was lying.

Oh, Harry. The last time you brought me in for interrogation, we fucked over this very table. Don't try and pretend like you don't want me. I can see it in your eyes. Drop your little bitch and come back to me. I can make you feel so good again--just like I used to.

No, she wasn't lying.

But should I be crying right now? Should I be feeling as if my entire world was crumbling down, the fragments stabbing at my already battered heart?

I felt as if my footsteps echoed loudly as I walked, and everyone's eyes were attached to me as if they were magnets and I was metal. I hated the feel of so many stares, and especially when I had tears splattered across my face.

I wasn't sure where exactly I was going to go. Anywhere but here.

"Alice!" Or not.

My feet automatically sped up, but when I heard his footsteps pounding the ground behind me, I broke out into a run. I had never been known for having any type of decent speed or long legs, so I should have expected that he would catch up so easily.

His large hand wrapped around my wrist and suddenly I was being pulled back into him. I shoved his chest away from me, glaring heavily up at him. "What?" I snapped harshly, the anger in my system driving me forward.

"Where are you going?" Harry murmured, his tone soft as he reached for me again, only to have his hand slapped bitterly away.

"I-I want to go home," I mumbled back, my voice making it quite obvious that I was crying.

"Okay," Harry nodded in agreement, much to my surprise. "I'll have Zayn take you back to the house. I might be here for a few hours--"

"No," I cut him off. "I want to go back to myhouse. I never should have come back to you."

The hurt in his eyes was evident, and it made my stomach twist uncomfortably. Shit happens. Things get fucked up. But I know that Harry cares for you... Ed's voice rang in my mind, over and over again, repeating that even he, someone who wasn't quite as high up in Harry's gang, knew that Harry cared about me, and that was the first time he'd ever seen us interact with one another. I could see him and the boys leaning against the far wall, watching the exchange, and Ed was shaking his head in... disappointment?

I expected Harry to blow up, but once again he surprised me, his body taking an automatic step forward so that he could place his hands on either side of my face. My body froze. "What did I do wrong?" he asked quietly.

"You..." Harry hadn't actually done anything wrong, but I could practically feel the adrenaline running through my veins, egging me on. "Do you know how badly it hurts to watch you and your little fuck buddy have a conversation? To know that she'syour leverage?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" I repeated angrily, my jaw dropping open as I forced his hands away from my face. "Maybe... maybe I am, but you know what I really am? I'm pissed off! The past year I haven't slept with anybody--I haven't even kissed anyone! I missed you so much that I could barely hug anyone else! I get that you're a guy and sex is practically vital to you--but I thought it was all one-night-stands! I didn't know you had some girl waiting for you to call her up just for a quick fuck whenever you wanted!"

I was fuming. I didn't think I'd ever felt so angry. Harry was staring at me as if I'd just gone insane, and I knew that everybody was taking in the exchange as well. And then something sparked in Harry's eyes, and I knew that he was mad too.

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