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I hadn't bothered to get dressed today. It was a Saturday and I fully intended on taking advantage of the fact that Seth had gone out, leaving me to watch every episode of Full House since I'm a teeny bit obsessed and have every season's box set.

I was curled up on the couch with a jar of Nutella and a massive spoon. The only clothing I wore was a dark training bra and black shorts and my hair was thrown up in a messy ponytail.

I was so enveloped in the episode playing on the screen that I failed to hear the front door open. I did, however, hear the heavy footsteps as they thudded across the ground toward me. I paused Full House and looked up, smiling when I saw Seth walking forward... or was he limping?

I immediately jumped up and rushed to his side, worry immediately filling me. "Seth, are you alright?" I asked frantically. He jerked his head up to look at me and grinned widely. His eyes were bloodshot and his breath smelled distinctly of alcohol.

I wrinkled my nose and stepped away, realizing that he was just drunk, but his hand immediately gripped my wrist, tugging me back towards him.

Before I could push him away again he crashed his lips onto mine, his tongue invading my mouth instantly. I could taste the beer on him and I struggled against his now tight grip on my waist as he continued to kiss me harshly.

"Seth, stop," I whimpered as I attempted to pull my face away from his. He chuckled, and normally that sound would make me feel all light and happy inside, but right now it was dark, his eyes clouded in lust and slightly glazed over from all of the alcohol streaming through his system.

Within seconds he had shoved me up against the wall, one hand tight on my hip, the other beside my head. His mouth moved against mine again but I remained completely still. He attempted to force some sort of response out of me as he took my bottom lip in between his teeth and tugged it harshly but I refused to give in.

"Dammit, Alice!" he yelled loudly in frustration. His hand left my waist and smashed into the wall to the right of my head as he let out his anger. I shrunk as far away from him as I could, tears springing to my eyes as I stared up at his furious expression.

Seth had never acted like this with me before. I wasn't even aware that he drank. I had seen him have an occasional beer but he had never come home stumbling and forcing me against walls.

"Kiss me back," he urged, his voice sounding deeper than normal as he dipped his lips down to meet mine once more. Despite his previous action I didn't obey his demand. He growled angrily against my mouth and raveled his hand in my hair. I frowned in confusion before letting out a hiss of pain as he pulled harshly at it.

"Kiss me back," he repeated, his voice dripping with hostility.

I gave in then, feeling stiff and scared against him as my lips moved slowly against his. Despite my little effort, he seemed pleased as his tongue explored my mouth again before he ripped himself away from me. I remained plastered to the wall, unable to move with the fear weighing on my chest as he eyed me. He licked his lips before grabbing my wrist and tugging me after him into the bedroom.

He pushed me down onto the bed and without any warning began to pull my clothes off of me. My shorts were carelessly tossed to the side and he stood back for a moment to eye my half-naked body before nearly ripping my sports bra and panties in his haste to rid me of them.

A blush colored my cheeks and a shock of fear ran up my spine. It wasn't as if Seth and I hadn't had sex before, but this time I didn't want it, and despite the fact that he was drunk and obviously angry, I needed to make that known.

I scrambled up into a sitting position, my hands pressing to Seth's chest. "Please no, Seth," I pleaded. "Not tonight, not now. I can't--"

My words were cut off by a sharp smack to my cheek. I hadn't even seen his hand come up to my face, but I definitely felt the sting against my skin. Tears welled in my eyes as Seth pushed me back down onto the bed, but this time I couldn't seem to find it in me to fight back.

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