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"I'll always be here for the both of you."

"Louis, I swear, if you don't tell me the honest truth--"

"For the fiftieth time, Alice, you look great," Louis sighed loudly as he looked up at me over the top of his laptop. "I'm sure Harry won't be able to keep his hands off of you."

I groaned. "That's not what I was going for. Now I have to change again and--"

"You're over-thinking this way too much." Louis snapped his laptop shut before standing up and brushing past me towards my closet. Within seconds he had pulled out a soft, dark blue top and some leggings. "Go put this on," Louis instructed me.

Considering it was nearly seven o'clock, I didn't really have time to argue with the clothing choice. I hurried into the bathroom to put it on, noticing that the shirt fit snugly around my stomach. "How does it look?" I questioned uncertainly as I reopened the door. Louis grinned.

"Perfect," he said. "And Harry loves that color on you."

I raised an eyebrow. "He does?"

"He was all but drooling when you wore some navy-colored shirt of his once," Louis nodded. "He even made this comment that--you know what, never mind, the comment wasn't important. What isimportant, is that you look stunning and--" Louis' words were cut off as the doorbell rang and suddenly my stomach was filled with nervous butterflies.

It seemed almost like an irrational reaction, but Harry and I had never gone out on a date together. It was a bit comforting to know that Harry was obviously walking into foreign territory with the event as well, but it was still nerve-wracking.

"I'll go answer the door," Louis said as he moved towards the hallway. "Count to ten in your head and then come on out."

I rolled my eyes at Louis' antics but listened nonetheless. Considering I had never even seen him with another girl, I highly doubted that dating was his area of expertise, but I had no room to comment on this considering it wasn't mine either.

I counted to ten in my head before walking briskly down the hall when I heard Harry's deep voice. Only when I made it to the doorway to the entry hall did I pause, blushing as Harry's eyes traveled up and down my body. I took the opportunity to see what he was wearing: a tan trench coat over tight black jeans and dark boots. I had seen him wear similar outfits before, but everything was always completely black, as if he intended to hide in the shadows for the duration of the night--this time was different, and I smiled softly when he met my gaze, but he didn't return it.

"Bye Louis," he stated abruptly, his eyes never leaving mine. I caught Louis smirking in my peripheral vision before he sent me a wink and headed back down the hall. Harry waited until the click of a door sounded before speaking.

"You look fucking fantastic," he murmured lowly, easily clearing the space between us in two strides. One long finger hooked into the sleeve of my top, his eyes trained on the material. "I love this color on you."

"I know," I said quietly.

A smirk stole over Harry's lips briefly before he met my gaze. "Are you ready to go?"

I simply nodded as Harry's hand enveloped mine, our fingers entwining loosely as he led me to the door. The air outside was chilly with the night, but drastically warmer than it would have been if it was any later in the year. Harry's Range Rover idled in the driveway, the passenger door already propped open for me. Harry helped me into the seat before gently shutting the door and rounding the front of the vehicle.

"So what exactly are we doing on this date?" I questioned as Harry easily maneuvered us out onto the road. He glanced back at me, our eyes connecting briefly before his were back out the windshield.

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