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"I know that if love really exists, he has it for you."

"What the hell, Harry!"

I knew that I wasn't hurting Harry in the slightest as I pounded my fists against his chest. To say I was pissed off would be an understatement. "You got Gemma back and you didn't say anything?" Harry didn't even bother with trying to stop me from hitting him. He just watched me, which only fueled my anger. I pulled my hand back and sent it flying forward with as much power as I could manage. The force knocked into Harry's shoulder and finally he caught my wrists, a flash of anger echoing across his features before he smoothed it out, his eyes focusing on me.

"Look, it's not like I didn't want to tell you--"

"Oh don't give me that," I hissed as I pulled away from his grip and sent a glare up at him before looking back towards the couch where everyone was watching in what was clearly amusement. I could only manage to focus on Gemma though, and the first thing I noticed was that she had several bruises shadowing her face. I frowned, wondering what had happened to her, but my thoughts were interrupted by Louis.

"What did I tell you, mate?" he grinned, looking at Harry. "I told you she was going to be furious, and what did you say? Oh, no, Alice will understand."

"Shut up," Harry grumbled beside me.

"Be nice, Harry!" It was the first time that Gemma had spoken and I couldn't help but laugh at her tone, my anger dissipating at the disapproval in her voice. She sounded like she was scolding him and really, that's exactly what she was doing. I glanced over at Harry to find him narrowing his eyes at his sister, though this didn't seem to perturb the girl as she stared right back before she abruptly shifted her gaze to me.

She had the same piercing stare that Harry did, though I found it much softer. A small smile tipped her lips, but even the tiniest of them could slice dimples in her cheeks. It was the same way with Harry. "Sorry, I didn't properly introduce myself," she said. She stood up, straightening out her jean jacket, before walking towards me. She was only a little taller than myself, yet I felt almost intimidated despite her friendly smile and attitude. This was Harry's sister.

She was the reason that this whole mess had began, unintentionally of course, but still. It seemed so odd to just have her here, sitting so comfortably with the boys. Had they known that Harry had rescued her? How long ago had he done this? If she had been with him for awhile, then why did Harry only come back now?

"I'm Gemma," she said softly.

"Alice," I mumbled back a bit shyly.

"I'd like to talk to you, if you don't mind," she went on, raising an eyebrow at me.

"She needs to eat first," Harry cut in.

"We can eat and talk," Gemma insisted, looking up at her brother hopefully, yet I could see a determined gleam in her eye. I was all prepared for a bit of sibling rivalry but instead Harry simply sighed and nodded before brushing past us towards the boys. Gemma smiled at me. "Come on," she said. "Your plate's all ready in here."

I followed Gemma into the kitchen, still a bit shocked that she was here as she handed me my plate and we sat down at the kitchen table. I noticed that the toaster had been returned to it's position on the counter, the only reminder of Harry and my fight being the sizable dent in the metal cooking device.

"You're quieter than I thought you would be," Gemma admitted after we'd helped ourselves to a few forkfuls of spaghetti. I looked up from my bowl. "I'm just a bit... surprised, I guess," I replied slowly, meeting her gaze. "I had no idea that you were even with Harry... um, how long have you been with him exactly?"

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