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Artificial light filtered through the room, casting everything in a yellow glow. I wasn't sure if it was the morning or not, but based on the fact that the sheets around me were empty, I assumed that daylight had come and Harry had left.

I don't know what I had expected this new day to bring. I could feel the longing in my chest to be close to Harry, to continue that one night, our proper goodbye. The idea of it made my heart constrict in my chest, and in an attempt to postpone the meltdown I could feel coming on, I swiftly swung my legs over the silky sheets of the bed and lowered myself to the wooden floor.

Although the mansion thoroughly confused me, I knew I couldn't just sit here all day and wait for someone to come find me. I quietly padded to the door and pulled it open, thoroughly surprised to find Niall stood there, his hand raised in the air as if he were just about to knock.

"Oh, Alice, hi," he mumbled, shifting awkwardly on his feet. There was no doubt in my mind that he was recalling our previous meeting when he'd all but attacked me in a hug. At the time, I had felt distant and cold towards every one of them, but it was obvious that Niall, out of all of the boys, had the kindest heart and had no intention of making me uncomfortable then. No, instead it was quite the opposite. He missed me, and in return I'd acted like a stone.

"Hi, Niall," I replied, smiling warmly at him as I wrapped my arms snugly around his torso. I could practically feel the shock emanating from him as he stiffened in my grip before returning the hug. I knew that he deserved this. He had never given me a legitimate reason to hate him the way I could claim to hate Harry. Niall had never promised me anything he knew he couldn't keep.

"I missed you," he admitted a bit shyly as he carefully pulled away, his cheeks tinted red.

I frowned slightly, realizing that, even though Niall had never been a major part of my life, I had grown accustomed to always seeing him around at one point, and I too missed those days. They were so far away now.

"I missed you too," I confessed, my lips tipping upwards in what I hoped to be a comforting smile. "But I'm here now, right?"

"Right," he agreed with a nod, though he didn't smile. There was something off about him right now. "Harry wants you downstairs. He sent me up to get you."

"Good to know he can't even bother with it himself," I grumbled. Niall didn't say anything as I trailed after him, making a mental note to remember the way we were going for future reference. I already knew that, despite the protests I would surely throw at Harry, I would be staying here for awhile.

I didn't pay much attention to the rooms we passed through. I vaguely noticed the interior of a kitchen, a staircase, what vaguely looked like some sort of library or study, more steps... when we had finally gotten to our destination I noticed that it was a long, blank room. There was nothing in it aside from a long mahogany table that seated at least twenty... and nearly every seat was full.

I frowned, coming to a stand still in the doorway as Niall walked past all of the seats towards the end where he took his place between Louis and some unfamiliar man. Harry was sat at the head of the table, just where I presumed he would be. Sitting on either side of him were Louis and Zayn, Liam and Niall next to them. It was shocking to see over ten other men occupying the remaining seats.

Harry's gaze was already on me, and I met it reluctantly. I could tell by the expression on his face that we had had our night, and that it was finished now. There would be no more cuddling or pretending. From here on out, things would go back to the way they were, and I wasn't even entirely sure of what that was.

"Alice, take a seat," Harry instructed, his voice heavy with authority. I had never been particularly phased by Harry's assertiveness though, and almost said 'no' when I realized that there weren't any empty spots for me to take anyway.

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