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I felt like we had just entered a war zone.

I had never really been in an environment where gang members were ruthlessly killing each other. It was pure insanity. There were people everywhere, yelling, shooting their guns, slicing their blades against bare flesh. Everybody was yelling, screaming, especially when Harry drove right through the middle of it, the wheels of the Range Rover screeching loudly against the cold pavement.

There were at least twenty people outside, and I easily pinpointed some of them as people from Harry's gang that I had seen briefly at the agency.

Harry's eyes were scanning the scene before he was moving to push open his door, his gaze snapping back to mine for a moment. "Stay in the car right now, okay?" he instructed. When I nodded, he watched my face for a moment to ensure that I wasn't going to go sprinting out into the middle of chaos before he was exiting into it himself.

I watched him, surprised as he easily raised the gun and took shots almost immediately. The sound merged with the other bullets flying around, but instead of careless shooting, Harry was aiming perfectly, taking out four people within twenty seconds time.

I was entranced by Harry's skill as he took a deliberate step forward and took another shot, this time at a man who was choking what was obviously one of Harry's men. The man holding him attempted to use the person he was holding as some kind of blockade, but the precision of Harry's shot had him falling to the floor before he could make another move.

I continued to watch as Harry easily took out the enemy. I knew that, had these vile men not been preoccupied with Harry's gang, Harry would surely have been shot himself by now, but I was sure that he calculated this into his decision of stepping out of the car beforehand.

Within a minute Harry had managed to shoot at least ten different people. My eyes were wide as he reopened the car door, and he met my gaze, his own eyes growing unexpectedly concerned before he let out a deep breath. "You look scared," he whispered, explaining his expression. "Did I... did I scare you?"

My eyes only widened more so at his words. He thought that I was scared of him? I suppose it could come off as terrifying that Harry was so capable of killing people. The fact that he was able to step out of the car and not miss one shot was extraordinary, but also frightening. However, I felt nothing but awe.

I couldn't explain it even if I tried. I shouldn't think that a gun-wielding Harry was 'cool' but it wasn't even that. It was the fact that he wasn't killing people who were innocent or good. He was taking out people who were going to hurt those that he led and was meant to protect, and it was more admirable than I could express that he was so willing to step right into the middle of a war zone to try and save them.

Without hesitation, I leaned over the center console, resting my hands against Harry's seat as I pressed my lips to his briefly. He seemed startled by the action as he gently pulled away, frowning at me curiously.

"You're not scared?" he seemed perplexed by this.

"Why would I be?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Maybe because I just killed ten people right in front of you? I didn't even think about the fact that it might scare you... why are you looking at me like that?" Harry seemed utterly confused now.

"You are amazing," I whispered.

One side of Harry's mouth tipped up in a smile. "How so?"

The sound of shouting from inside tore our attention away before I could answer. Harry's head snapped towards the source of it. "Fuck," he grumbled out as he reloaded the gun still in his hand before he glanced back at me. "There's a first aid kit under your seat. Get it and go try your best to fix up some of these guys out here, alright?"

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