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"Good thing I'm not any of them then."

"I've got it! No, Alice--I said I've got it!"

I groaned as the Nutella jar fell, landing with a loud thud on the ground. I knew that Louis had been insistent that I never try to take things from the top shelf in the pantry without his help, but in all honesty, I was getting a bit impatient with waiting for him to get out of the shower.

"You were taking too long," I muttered as I bent down to retrieve the plastic jar, but Louis was already swooping down to pick it up before I could, his glare heavy as he placed it back on the counter. "You need to be careful," he chided seriously. "Especially after you fell--"

"I'm fine, Louis," I cut him off, placing a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. He sighed, running a hand over his face. Between helping to keep the gang going with the other boys and desperately trying to keep me out of trouble, Louis looked exhausted. I felt bad really, but I wasn't sure how to help him, and every time I tried, he would always say that he could handle it.

"Seriously, it's okay," I continued, my irritation evaporating when I saw all of the stress in his face. He was so worn out. "Next time I'll let you get the Nutella jar down, I promise." He narrowed his eyes at me in a playful glare due to my slightly sarcastic tone and I just smiled proudly back before turning and grabbing a spoon out of the drawer and unscrewing the Nutella lid.

"Whoa there," Louis halted me, grabbing the jar before I could even take any. My head snapped up to look at him as he held the chocolate-y goodness just out of my reach. "Aren't you going to put it in on, I don't know, toast?"

I made a face before snatching the jar back. "That's not the right way to eat Nutella, Louis," I shook my head at him before dipping the spoon into the chocolate before he could take it back again. I took out a large amount, leaving very little in the already half-eaten container, before raising the utensil to show him.

"You're insane," he muttered before returning the jar to it's place on the highest shelf, probably in hopes that I wouldn't finish it all again. For some reason, I had been having major Nutella cravings ever since I'd tried some a few months ago. I was sure that by the time I stopped wanting the sweet chocolate, I'd already weigh about three hundred pounds.

I was walking back into the living room of the quaint little house Louis had bought just before I'd moved in, when I heard the doorbell ring and I paused, glancing up at the front door.

"That's probably the boys," Louis explained as he passed by me to answer it. "They said something about coming over." I nodded, quickly carrying on to reach the couch, my previously playful mood deflated like a balloon being popped.

It was stupid. Every time the doorbell rang or someone knocked, it always had my pulse quickening, my curiosity piquing, and I knew exactly why. I still had that little piece of hope inside of me that maybe it was him standing there, waiting for someone to open the door. I would be waiting, and as soon as he stepped over the threshold, everything would be alright again.

It wouldn't matter if he was happy or angry. He would be here again, and thus I would be complete once more. Instinctively, I ran a hand over my stomach, sighing when I realized that I had accidentally managed to eat all of my Nutella already as I pondered over my thoughts.

Did I mention that I was surely going to become three hundred pounds?

I stood up and made my way back to the doorway, nearly bumping into Zayn as he entered the living room. He steadied me before grinning and pulling me back to him in a tight hug. "Hey you," he said as I returned the embrace. Not a second later he was releasing me and bending down, still smiling as he tapped a finger on my stomach. "How's the little guy doing?"

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