Chapter 2: Sure, Why Not?

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Morgan is giving me a weird look at lunch. I told my friends about detention but Emily is busy texting Logan so really it's just Jodie and Morgan who are paying attention to the conversation.

"She seriously gave you detention for being late on the first day?" Jodie asks, completely in disbelief over what I've revealed. I suppose it is a bit extreme but I'm not going to complain about two hours with Mrs Hotstuff, I'll say that.

"Have you seen her Jo? Hell, even I'd want detention with her." Morgan says, winking at me and offering me a bit of his burger. Looking at makes me feel a growl in my stomach but my mind is too plagued with the thought of the next two hours that I can't possibly eat.

I should be fine, I mean I didn't eat breakfast and now I'm skipping lunch but I'll be able to eat at work so I don't need to worry. I just need to make sure I don't get dehydrated and I'll be perfectly healthy.

"You're right. What are you even gonna do with her? No one gets detention with the principal unless they've done something really bad." Jodie says, looking at me with the expectancy of a toddler. I shrug my shoulders, unable to predict the future.

"I say you go for it, Ally. What's the worst that could happen, you get more detention?" Morgan suggests with a mischievous grin. I chuckle along with him and Jodie but on the inside I'm nervous. What if I took what she did earlier the wrong way? What if she didn't mean to come across as flirty and that's just her personality.

"Okay there's more I didn't tell you guys." I say with a low voice, wanting them to realise this is serious shit I'm about to lay on them. All I told them was that she gave me detention but I didn't say anything about how close we got behind the closed door.

Jodie and Morgan lean over the table to get closer to me but Emily just laughs at something on her phone, completely oblivious to the conversation at the table. Taking one last breath, I decide to tell them I mean it's not like we kissed or anything. Plus, I'm 18 now and there's nothing illegal going on.

"When I was in there, she may or may not have pinned me against the bookshelf." I disclose quietly, biting my lip and the memory of her body so close to mine.

"Holy shit Grange! What did you do?" Jodie says, getting excited for me. I smile at her and Morgan as they listen attentively to my words.

"I did what anyone else would do, I flipped us and pinned her against the shelf." I tell them victoriously, sitting up straighter and brushing imaginary dust off my shoulder. Jodie laughs softly and nudges my shoulder, losing her smile.

I feel a delicate hand brush my shoulder and when I turn, I am facing an abdomen covered by the pale blue colour I observed earlier today. Mrs Rocher is here.

"So these are your friends, Ally." She says, looking at Jodie, Morgan and Emily with a grin like she owns the world. Well, she kinda does as the principal here. She has all the power.

"Sure are, this is Morgan and Jodie and that's Emily, you met her already." I introduce them, trying to ignore the fact that her hand is still on my shoulder and her hip is touching my arm. I swallow deeply as she stays quiet for a moment. Jodie and Morgan smile at her and wave to make sure they are acknowledging her presence.

"Interesting group. You have the fabulous one, the smart one, the ignorant one and..." I swear to god this is what she said, "the hot one." My jaw drops but I recover quickly. No one says anything for a long time and Jodie's eyes keep shifting between Mrs Rocher and me.

"Who's the hot one, Mrs Rocher?" Morgan asks after a while, looking at her with a bit of a challenging gaze but I can see the playfulness in his eyes. I look up at Mrs Rocher, waiting for her reply but she leans down and her face ends up inches from mine, I swear she was about to kiss me. Man, I looked up at the right time.

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