Chapter 18: Bystander

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Finals are tomorrow. I'm absolutely screwed. Sundays were always bad days but today is exponentially worse because I still feel unprepared. Nat agreed to meet with me to help with final research for my psychology exam but I am running late because my mum decided to call me just as I was getting in my car to meet Nat at our spotㅡ which we have frequented recently. The baristas even know our names now.

The little bell rings above me as I open the door, reminding me of the ice cream shop. I look around until I find my brunette sitting in a booth with coffee in hand. As I'm walking over to her, her gaze shifts to me and her smile disappears. Her head nods away from her and I look at her frantic glance in front of her. Janelle. What the hell?

I slide into the booth closest to me, thankful that it's empty. Sitting with my back to where Nat and Janelle are, I can still peek around the edge of the booth to see them but I'm not going to be spotted by Janelle. I pull the collar of my coat higher around my face, pretending to be cold just in case anyone is looking at me.

What is she doing with Janelle? We can't be here anymore if Janelle knows this is a place Natalie goes to a lot. Why would Nat ask me to come if she knew Janelle was going to be here?

Okay, I'm just being paranoid. I rub the back of my neck with my hand, closing my eyes for a moment. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they're here. Nat probably came, sitting alone because she was waiting for my late ass and Janelle showed up. She saw Nat and wanted to talk with her for a little while. It's alright.

I look around the booth and see Janelle laughing, Natalie only giving her an amused smile. Sighing, I get up. I may as well have something warm to drink if I'm going to be waiting here all evening.

"Hey Colette. Can I get a-"

"London Fog?" The barista cuts me off with a smile on her face. She picks up a cup and tosses her long brown hair out of her face as she writes my name on the cup. "Come on, you and Natalie are here nearly every day. I know your orders." She says, placing the cup on the counter for the other barista to start making.

"Thanks." I say, smiling back at her as I hand her the money with a little extra for her to keep. We make some casual small talk, her asking about how studying is going and me asking about her apartment, until the other guy behind the counter hands me the warm cup.

Hands come onto my shoulders, squeezing them a little and then rubbing circles into my muscles. Colette smiles at me, and the person behind me.

"Your shoulders are really tight, Al." Natalie says with concern in her voice. I turn around and she links her arm in mine so we can go back to the booth that I was previously sitting in.

"Thanks, I try." I reply sarcastically, giving her a bright smile. She rolls her eyes playfully and disconnects her body from mine so we can sit in opposite spaces in the booth.

"What do you still need to do for this presentation?" She asks, breaking eye contact so she can get her laptop out of her bag. I get out my own and also pull out my notebook so I can make sure I'm not missing anything.

"I still need the diffusion of responsibility and how it connects to the bystander effect theory." I say slowly, making sure she can type it but also understand it. A few study dates ago, she told me that she only took one psychology course in university because it was just an elective for her. She knows about as much as I do.

"Alright. I'll look at the bystander effect and you can work on how it connects to the diffusion of responsibility thing." Her smile remains on her face for a long time as she types on her laptop, her grin becoming more absent minded than deliberate as she focuses. I direct my eyes away to begin working on my part.

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