Chapter 9: Civil Doesn't Work

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"Alison Grange, Mrs Rocher needs you in her office." The substitute teacher calls my name and holds the slip an office aide has just brought into the class. I roll my eyes, whispering "of course she does" under my breath. The student in front of me gives me a weird look and I chuckle, acting like it was a joke.

"Does it say why?" I ask as I stand in front of her, taking the slip from her heavily jeweled fingers. She raises her eyebrows and turns around, making me roll my eyes yet again. Only first hour and I'm already high level sassy. I can't wait to see the hot bitch.

I pick up my bags and take my leave, hoping Natalie isn't making me miss an important homework assignment but then again, we have a sub so that's unlikely. I am really wondering why she's calling me, I haven't done anything since yesterday when my friends took me. Of course I didn't go assist her but that was on her orders from the day before so I don't know what could possibly have her undies in a twist.

I get to the office and hand the slip to Miss Taylor who gives me a questioning look. I shrug as a wordless response and adjust my bag around my shoulder as I knock on Nat's door.

She opens it, looking sexy as ever and greets me kindly like I have no reason to be indifferent towards her. I push past her into the dimly lit room and slouch down in the chair, crossing my arms. I let my bag fall onto the floor beside me as Natalie walks around me and sits in her chair behind the desk.

"What am I doing here?" I ask like I couldn't care any less. It sounds cut short because I was about to call her by her last name but I remembered what she said to me yesterday and the last thing I want is to get her all hot and bothered cause lord knows I already am just being in her presence.

"You didn't show up after lunch yesterday. I really could've used your assistance." She says simply, looking me over as she lacing her fingers on the top of her desk. I glance at her fingers and almost audibly groan when I see her wedding ring sitting gracefully around her ring finger.

"Well I seem to remember being told not to come anymore, I was just following orders, Miss." I say bluntly, looking at my lap instead of giving her the time of day. She hums in slight annoyance and I glance up to see her leaning back in her chair.

"So now you follow orders, some I gave to you not as your principal but as a woman on the street. Maybe if I approach you all the time as that woman you'll actually listen to me." She says sarcastically but I don't react in any way. I stand and look at her with as stone of an expression as I can muster.

"Can I leave now, since clearly you just care about an assistant and I am not the person you want?" I say, glancing at her ring. She sighs and stands as well, moving around the desk to be able to communicate with me without a huge piece of furniture between us.

"Ally, stop this. Why are you so affected by something I said out of fear?" She asks, leaning on her desk just as she did yesterday. The bell rings and I get deja-vu, expecting my friends to burst in through the door again.

"Because you said I was only a distraction! Do you have any idea how much that hurt me? I let you see me in ways no one else had and we didn't even fu-" I pause, realising what I was about to yell, "we didn't even do the dirty dance under the sheets." I say more quietly, groaning when she doesn't say anything. "Okay, I'm leaving. You've already made me miss too much class time." The late bell rings above us and I sigh. "Great, now I'm late." I bend down to pick up my bag but Natalie stops me.

"Would you fucking stop for two seconds and talk to me like an adult?" She asks, growing angry just like me. I chuckle and put my bag back on the carpet.

"Oh okay. Let's just forget about the fact that I am a student at your high school that you have decided to fuck around with for your own sadistic game. Sure, I'll talk to you like an adult, but only if you're going to act like one instead of just another teenager at this school." I say, getting closer to her face as my eyebrows crease in anger.

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