Chapter 21: What's Best

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"Bill!" I call into his office, exhausted from this past week at school. Nat and I have had nearly no time to be together since Simon came home. We find little pieces of time here and there between classes and meetings and such. But everyone knows the second term goes by faster than the first. It's been a month since that glorious day with her and I still wear my ring every day.

I've been filling out university applications left and right, taking exams, and working on major projects because my teachers don't know how to time manage their assignments.

"Yes, Sonni?" Bill pops his head out of the office, startling me. It takes me a second to even remember what I needed him for.

"Can I leave a little early? One of my friends needs to return some schoolwork to me." I tell him truthfully. Emily called me a couple minutes ago asking if I wanted to meet up with her at Starlight to get my English essay that she was going to edit for me. Bill smiles and emerges from his office, trying an apron around his body.

"Sure, dear. I think Eva and I can handle this busy shop on our own." I teases, gesturing to where his wife is dusting some of the records that hang on the wall. Other than her the shop is totally empty. I hug him and toss my apron onto the hook behind the counter.

"Thank you, Bill. Bye Eva! Say hi to the grandkids for me." I tell them on the way out of the store. I dunno why I always say it, I just think it's funny that me, an 18 year old girl, is telling someone to speak to their grandchildren on behalf of me. They wave to me and I listen to my keys jingle in my hand as I make my way out to the car.

"Ally!" I hear Natalie's angelic voice call out my name just as I'm about to close my car door. I open it slightly and stand up just in time to see her lightly jogging towards my car. I lean my weight on one leg and cock my head, looking at her with a puzzled expression.

"Stalking me at work again, are we?" I ask teasingly, causing her to laugh as she finally makes it in front of me. She looks over my body and smirks before actually meeting my eyes with her gaze.

"Nope. Well, sort of." She admits with a little hint of a blush on her cheeks. She walks around the front of my car and opens the passenger door to get inside the car. My eyebrows raise and I also get back into the driver's seat. "Janelle has some student files for me to pick up at Starlight and I thought you and I could grab a cup of something warm afterwards." She tells of her plans and I stop buckling my seat belt for a moment.

"That's so weird. Em finally finished editing an essay I gave to her a week ago and wants to meet at Starlight to give it back to me." I speak slowly, finding this situation a little more than weird. Maybe it's not, though. I mean, we've seen both Emily and Janelle there before so it might just be a coincidence that they want both Natalie and I there at the same time.

"Then I suggest we don't keep them waiting." She pats my thigh gently, urging me to start the car and get on with it. As I'm leaning over to adjust the gear, Nat kisses my cheek swiftly and I feel my heart beat against my chest. It's amazing how she still has this affect on me. Lesbian Bed Death is just a myth.

We get to the café in about 15 minutes, a relatively short ride that was spent singing along to 80's music on the radio. This is one of the few reasons I am grateful that my mum raised me listening to 80's and 90's music because it means I can sing along to the songs Natalie also knows by heart.

Once actually in the café, we notice that Em and Janelle are sitting across from each other just like they did that one time I left my tea in here. We catch Janelle's eye since she's the one facing the door and she smiles widely, standing to greet us. Emily stays sitting in the booth.

"Hi ladies! Please, come join Emily and I." Janelle says in her sickly sweet voice. Nat looks at me, both of us trying to gauge the situation. I shrug a little once Janelle turns around to slide in next to Emily, leaving the other side open for Natalie and I. When we sit, her hand immediately clasps mine under the table and her fingertips rub circles on the back of my hand.

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