Chapter 19: Early Christmas

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When Natalie tells you to do something, you do it. She could convince me of anything. Maybe that's just a me thing but when talking to Janelle, it seems like she's pretty persuasive in the office as well. She gets her way, that's all I'm saying.

I keep telling myself this while walking over to Nat's place. The directions feel carved into my soul and every time I take this path— whether walking or driving— it feels like the marks get deeper and deeper; more and more permanent.

Y'know, Nat could be a little more courteous and offer to pick me up. I'm getting my boots wet with snow and she's probably cuddled up by a cup of tea with Gnocchi laying over her. Now you may be wondering why I didn't just take my car. Emily has my car and she took it without even really giving me a reason, just saying that her car is in the shop or something.

I would've called Morgan or Jodie but they're both on trips for the winter break. Finals was okay, all of us met up during the breaks to give each other some therapy but Em was acting weirdly towards me all three days of final exams. I can't help but wonder if it's because of what happened at the shop the day before finals. Maybe I should try and talk with her once I'm back home after hanging out with Nat.

Knocking on Nat's door nearly makes my fingers fall off so I quickly hide my hands back in my coat, shivering as I wait for Nat to open the door. I hear shuffling before I see Nat's face as she opens the door. Her makeup is pristine and her hair falls effortlessly over her shoulders. She's wearing a coat as well but more importantly, she's wearing a smile.

She invites me in behind her and we walk towards her kitchen. I notice her stuff something into her coat pocket on the way but say nothing. She takes off the coat to finish washing dishes, it looks like I interrupted her when I knocked on the door. Her arms move with a certain grace that I have only seen in her movements.

"Dear God, I'm so gay." I whisper to myself and I hear Natalie laugh as she dries her hands. She turns to look at me and leans against the counter, crossing her arms to look at me with a smirk drawing up one corner of her lips.

"I am so glad you are." She responds, making my face heat up. I definitely didn't want her to hear that.

I begin to take off my coat but Natalie rushes over and leans over the counter to stop me. Her hands touch my arms outside of the sleeves I'm wearing and she looks at me with a frazzled smile. I look down at her hands and notice a new ring on her index finger. It's absolutely gorgeous with a pale green diamond in the center of a thin silver band.

"This ring is beautiful." I point out, taking her hand in mine and bringing it closer so I can see it better. It sort of saddens me, though, because Simon probably got her this ring.

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it." She says and immediately averts her attention from me. I let her hand go and she picks up her coat once more. "Come on, love. We're going out." She tells me as she pushes her arms through the sleeves of her coat. I remain seated until Nat gets to the door and opens it.

She links her arm with mine as we walk and then unhooks just for a moment to lock her front door behind us. I look at her as we walk down the street and she only glances at me, smiling when we make eye contact. Her dark eyes never fail to amaze me. They can always sparkle no matter how little light there is. Everyone who has brown eyes hate them but since falling for this woman with chocolate eyes, I see beauty in the colour.

"Can I help you?" She asks, giving me a weird look and I realise that I was simply staring into her eyes. I laugh it off and quicken our pace without even knowing where we're going.

"Your eyes are just really pretty." I say timidly, offering her a little smile. She moves closer to me and bumps my body with her own as we walk.

We talk about this and that, nothing too important. It feels like my feet are about to freeze up, they're so cold. If she had told me we were going to walk around the city in the snow like madwomen I would've worn better shoes. The only warmth I feel comes from my left side where her body heat seeps into my coat.

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