Chapter 12: I Feel Groovy

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A/N: I think you all are really going to like this chapter. I know I do ;)

Saturday morning greets Natalie and I by shining the bring early winter sun into the bedroom. My head bobs slowly as Natalie's chest rises up and down in a relaxing rhythm beneath it. I stretch my sleepy muscles and the movement causes Nat to tighten her hold on my body, pulling me closer to her. I smile and move my head to look at her beautiful sleeping face.

"Just a few more minutes." She mumbles softly, her lips tugging upward at the corners with her eyes still closed lazily. I chuckle softly, making the little smile on her lips turn into a wide grin. Her hand caresses my bare arm slowly as she tries to get me to stay in bed.

"You take all the time you want. It's Saturday and I don't have work until later this afternoon." I say in slow, simple sentences. I've learned over the past two mornings that Natalie's brain doesn't fully function in the morning until she's had something to perk her up- heavily caffeinated tea or otherwise. Her voice softly answers with a little "hmm" as she drifts back into her dreams.

Once she is fully asleep, I remove her arm from around my shoulder and tuck the blanket back over her body so she doesn't notice the absence of my body heat. I sit up on the edge of the bed and reach my arms into the air as high as I can reach to loosen my muscles.

I look down at her resting body that now clings to the blanket over her skin. Smiling to myself, I walk over to the wardrobe and pull out one of her old t-shirts to put over my sports bra that I wore to sleep last night. I savour the fading scent of her shampoo and perfume whilst fixing up my wild blonde hair into a ponytail.

Taking one last look at my sleeping beauty, I leave the bedroom and wander towards the decently sized kitchen. My fingertips trace along the polished counter-top on the island before reaching for the speaker and connecting it to my phone. I turn the volume to a moderate level so it doesn't disturb Nat and shuffle my downloaded songs; the first of which is Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran.

I turn on the kettle and begin to sing along to the soft melody of the song. The words fall freely from my mouth just as I've sung them several times before, this time with true meaning behind them. Leaning against the counter, I sing quietly.

"Your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck. I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet..." The sound of the boiling water drowns out both my voice and the music so I stop singing and walk over to where the impatient kettle sits on the counter.

Just as I've finished pouring some milk into my tea, the song ends and the next comes on. This is a more upbeat song, so I blow on the hot liquid as I dance gently around the kitchen.

"Pour me a cup, will you?" Natalie's voice startles me and I turn quickly around to see her looking at me with amusement, leaning on the counter opposite of me. I smile and turn away from her once more to pour some hot water into another mug.

The beat of the song courses through the house, making the air feel carefree and sexy at the same time. I feel Natalie's hand circle around my hips as I place the tea bag into the mug and pour more water over it. Her chin rests on my shoulder as she whispers along to the voice of Rachel Platten.

"You're giving me shivers runnin' up through my spine. Giving me shivers, making me lose my mind." I giggle as she then bops our bodies to the beat, swaying our hips back and forth as if we are connected. Placing the cup down on the counter, I turn my body so I can face her and she grins devilishly.

Her hands remain on my waist to keep me from getting away as we dance to the raunchy beat of the song. We dance around together, our bodies entangling into each other as the beat slows and picks up again. Our laughs can be heard just barely over the music as she song comes to an end. With the final note, Nat kisses me and I can feel the smile on her mint flavoured lips.

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