Chapter 5: Tell Me

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To say that kiss was magical would be an understatement. I mean, I knew I was already gay before I even met Natalie but holy shit. If there was any questions about my attraction to her, they're gone now.

The feeling of her hands on my body, her lips fighting for control over my own, it's enough to drive a woman mad. I really hope Simon doesn't get kissed like that but I have a sneaking suspicion he doesn't.

The way she kissed me felt like she needed it just as much as I did. Not the "oh my god you're a really sexy person, I wanna kiss you" kind of need but the "I haven't been kissed with passion and desire, like, ever" kind of need. Although that need was adequately met when she kissed me, I could definitely kiss her again and feel that same way.

My mum came home early today and now we're out for dinner again. She always does this when she goes on trips, which is a lot. I'm not complaining but sometimes I just want to stay home and watch a movie with her or something.

We pretend like our lives are perfectly normal and healthy, asking each other about work and school and dating lives, shit like that. It's interesting sometimes when she has anything different happen at her meetings but normally it's just like this.

"So tell me, have you met anyone yet? Jodie is still a great girl, Emily too." She says, bringing a forkful of noodles to her mouth. I chuckle because this is almost exactly what she asks every time.

"Mum, Jodie and Emily are my friends, plus Emily is still dating her boyfriend and Jodie is straight." I say the same thing I always reply with, but now I'm going to shock her. "But I have met someone."

Her eyes light up with confusion and surprise. The sound of her utensils hitting the plate makes me grimace and I really wish she wouldn't draw so much attention to us.

"Who is she? Are you dating yet? When can I meet her?" A barrage of questions which are to be expected fly from her lips, making me both laugh and internally cringe.

"Well her name is Natalie, we aren't dating yet but she did kiss me yesterday." I tell her, catching myself smiling just from the memory. I bring my lower lip between my teeth to keep a rein on my facial features.

"That's a lovely name. Did you like it? Do you want to kiss her again?" She continues with the questions.

Did I like it? Well I would say I did but I'm sure I shouldn't have liked it. I keep forgetting that not only is the woman married but she is also the principal at my school.

"I did and I would really like to kiss her again." I answer truthfully, thinking about what will happen at school on Monday when I get to her office after lunch.

Truth be told, she seemed pretty set on kissing me again and continuing whatever happened at that French bistro. Part of me is worried she will change her mind and realise how insane it is for her to be making out with one of her students. She might shut me out, kick me out of her office or even the school. She has the power to do that.

The conversation eventually steers away from Natalie and I until the sun sets on this beautiful Sunday evening. I drive us home because, as usual, my mum had a bit of wine to drink and it's just safer for me to drive. I won't lie though, driving her sexy black Audi is something I'll never pass up.

Imagine me showing up to school in this bad boy, I'd be so cool. My car is awesome and I really like the style but if I had an Audi, everyone would know how well off my mum is.

Maybe I shouldn't want everyone knowing I'm rich. Then people would be my friend just to say they're my friend and possibly get free things. I'm happy with my friends now. They know I'm rich and they don't treat me any differently for it.

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