Chapter 13: For the Moment, Not Forever

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A noise at the door intrudes into our calming moment. Natalie sits up lightening fast and looks beyond the couch. She curses under her breath and ducks down again, scrambling to pick up her shirt and frantically pulling it over her head. I pick up my own and mirror her actions, looking back at the door.

"What? Who is it? Miss Taylor?" I ask, getting up on my knees and pulling her into my arms tightly to calm her down. She stands and I do as well in order to keep her in my arms. She gently pushes my shoulders to get me away from her, her eyes are serious.

"It's my husband. He's home early." She says quietly before turning off the tv and pulling the folder of paperwork that's on the coffee table closer to us. I am unable to feel my racing heart as my mind only worries about hiding.

"Shit!" I curse, making a break for the kitchen. I feel Natalie's warm hands wrap around my wrist and she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes. They are filled with worry but her lips curve into a reassuring smile.

"Just come sit with me at the couch. If he asks, you're helping me with paperwork." She explains, pulling me back to the living room. We flop onto the couch just in time but my hip brushes hers as we sit and our bodies repel like oil and water.

I refuse to look over at the door as my body instinctively tries to hide behind Natalie's slim figure. Natalie stands, ruining my hiding spot and I look over as she walks up to him and hugs him. I cringe as he attempts to kiss her and she turns her cheek, tapping lightly on his arm. His eyes move up to where I am sitting and I awkwardly smile.

"Hi Simon." I say softly, trying not to pass out as his eyes harden. His eyebrows connect in confusion as he looks at his wife. He gently pushes her to the side and walks towards a framed photo on the wall. It's another photo of Natalie and the mystery girl.

Why the fuck would he allow her to have a photo of her ex-fiancé in their house? I have to admit the blonde in the photo is a lot more attractive than Simon, and that's not just because she looks somewhat like me. Natalie looks at me, softly chewing on her lower lip to ease her anxiety and walks quickly to Simon's side.

"Simon I-" He raises his hand to stop her from speaking and I swear it looked like he was going to hit her. A single eyebrow is raised as he looks from me, to Natalie, and finally to the photo on the wall.

"Natalie." I notice Nat's body flinch as he speaks. "Why is she here? Don't tell me she's just your student, is she related to Caroline?" He questions, not acknowledging my presence anymore. I close my eyes as Nat brings her body close to his.

"Simon, please. Let's talk before you get angry. It's got nothing to do with Caroline, Ally doesn't even know who she is." Her voice is soothing and calm although when I open my eyes, I can see her hand shaking on his strong shoulder.

"That sounds like a good idea. Explain to me why you have a student in our home." His voice is still hard and cold but as his eyes look down at Natalie I can see them softening. I stand up and their attention is automatically drawn to my movement.

"Allison, why don't you go upstairs so Simon and I can speak alone." Nat says, her voice devoid of emotion towards me. I nod and get out of Simon's way as he walks to where we were sitting on the couch. As I move past Nat, she pulls me close and keeps her hand on my lower back, her lips brushing on my ear as she whispers, "go pack your things, you need to leave."

I throw her an understanding smile and walk to the stairs, trying to ignore the conversation that begins behind me. I go up the stairs two at a time and hear the patter of Gnocchi's paws trailing me.

Closing the bedroom door as quietly as I can, I look down at the dog and smile at him. I start with the bedside table and gather whatever is mine. Pulling my bag out of the closet in the corner, I place it on the bed and fill it with everything I can see.

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