Chapter 7: Just Leave

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I am aware that my relationship with Natalie - if you can even call it that - is not legal. Hell, the administration can't even be friends with us on Facebook without someone suing. I learned that fact when I asked to follow my English teacher last year on Instagram last year and she told me she'd love it but sadly it's against the rules until I am not her student anymore. The problem with admin, though, it that we are going to technically be their student until we graduate or drop out. So of course, I waited. Little old me, not wanting to break any rules.

Look how far I've come! Breaking rules, that is. I mean, nearly screwing the goddamn principal (on several occasions, might I add) is breaking like, the second biggest rule in existence. Right after killing someone for no reason comes, y'know, fucking a 28 year old who just so happens to be the principal at your school and- oh yeah, you're both girls.

Friday morning, I get to school early hoping to catch some private time with Natalie in her office before school. She has a right to know everything that went on last night. The worst case scenario would be for her to find out that my friends know by them saying something stupid in front of her. God, she would be angry. That's why she has to hear from me that several teenagers, who she barely knows, know about her illicit behaviour with a student.

"Ally, what are you doing here this early?" Janelle, or as I should be calling her, Miss Taylor, breaks my focused and hopeful thoughts with her slightly started voice. I smile, realising she must've just gotten here as she unloads her bag onto her large curved desk.

"I was hoping to catch Na- Mrs Rocher. We were working on this project for a meeting coming up and I have some notes that I think will help her." I steal a glance at the wooden door and notice the same nameplate on the closed door. My heart falls momentarily before I remember that she prefers to keep it closed when she's working in there.

"Oh, really? Is it for the drunk driving assembly later this week? I know she was kinda stressed about it." Miss Taylor's voice draws my attention back to her dark eyes.

"Yes, it is actually." I agree with her, making it easier on myself to just go along with her idea rather than making an excuse for myself. I glance back at the door as though I can feel the ticking of time. "So, I'm just gonna..." I point my thumb over my shoulder and take a few steps back towards Natalie's office, hoping Miss Taylor will get the hint.

"Go ahead. I haven't seen her this morning but you're welcome to check anyway." She offers her bring smile and I notice the beginning of wrinkles in the corners of her eyes. This surprises me as she's only in her early twenties. I suppose laugh lines aren't the worst wrinkles to get early but if it can be avoided, I would definitely put some eye cream on that. I return the smile before turning around and practically speed walking to the door.

I bring out the key she gave me from my bag and unlock the handle. This isn't a good sign. She only locks her door when she isn't in the office, or thankfully, when we're both in there. My hopes aren't high as I open the door but they still drop when I walk in and see the empty chair behind her desk.

Part of me wants to stay and wait for her in the office. To surprise her when she does arrive. Just to see her face when she opens the door to find me sitting on her desk, or in her chair. Then I remember just how I left her, sprawled across this desk and breathing heavy. Oh, the look of murder in her eyes when I walked away truly scared the shit out of me. If I surprise her today, she might actually kill me.

Is it really a good idea for me to tell her about my friend's awareness of just how hot it gets in this office? It's not like they'll ever actually do anything against her. They're my friends, the best ones I've ever had. I wouldn't have told them if I thought they'd go and destroy both of our lives with the knowledge.

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