In Need Of You

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Being broken up with Tom and still think about each other constantly.

"The days have been so hard for me
Raindrops been falling on my face
Raindrops been falling on my face
Sometimes I feel like I'm in need of you"

Tom would think about you all day while filming. Everyone would notice how off he was, especially Harrison. He would use work as a distraction. Not wanting to, but trying to forget.

"The nights have been so dark for me
Raindrops been falling on my face
Raindrops been falling on my face
Sometimes I feel like we had something true"

Meanwhile, you'd be staying up every night reminiscing about the time you had had with Tom. You would never go out anymore. Just spending all your time at home.

"Always had our issues but then after we would fornicate
But then you'd cry because I had to go and leave again"

Tom would remember the fights and sexual intimacies you had shared together. All the times he had left you behind for the next step in his career. Regret would consume him.

"I know how much harder this whole thing was for you
Anger, frustration from you
Wanting to go back to the place where all the dreams would come true"

You'd think of all the anger you felt towards him. For constantly leaving you behind. Making you believe that you didn't matter to him even though you did. And despite all that you'd still wish to go back to the beginning of your relationship. Where you had felt like on top of the world.

"And you never cared for the money or the fame
And I did everything for you
You were my portrait on frame"

Tom would remember how you were different. That when he was around you his fame didn't matter. That you were just a person and he was just a person. He adored you for it. He had tried to support you through everything. But evidently it hadn't been enough.

"Getting so emotional, when I start to think about it
I don't wanna think about it cause I wanna be the tough guy"

Tears would sometimes shed at the thought of you. And when that would happen Tom would furiously rub at his eyes, wanting to stop. Not wanting to appear weak or fragile.

"You were just too perfect and it really scared me
Scared of that commitment"

He had been afraid of a serious relationship. That he'd keep having to leave such a perfect girl. Almost too perfect. He'd think that there was no way that he was meant to end up with you. He didn't deserve you.

"And I know I could just say let's try again
Start over, start again, go back to being friends
Build up that love again"

He'd desperately want to go back to you. Hold you in his arms again.

"But we know that never works
We tried it never worked
We're just so different now
It's all so different now"

Requested by @Spoder-Man

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