Tell Me You Love Me

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Filming a scene with Tom where he's supposed to lay on your chest and ends up falling asleep.

You'd know about how hard he's been working on everything, and how he hasn't been getting any good sleep. So when the director cuts for a break you would just let him stay there. His hands would rest gently on your sides and his warm breath would fan across your collarbone. You would run your hands through his hair softly. He'd hum in response. Sooner or later you'd begin to hear soft snores escape his mouth. Then Harrison would walk onto the set looking for Tom. He'd go to call for his name but stop when he sees him asleep in your arms. You would hold a finger up to your mouth indicating to be quiet. Harrison would mouth 'one hour' before slowly backing away. You would nod your head then go back to stroking Tom's hair. A smile would spread across your lips. You'd think about how you could be in your trailer preparing for whatever you had to do next, but realize that you'd much rather be there for Tom.

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