Too Short

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Being on a talk show while you're wear a short skirt or a dress that's kind of short and almost have a malfunction but Tom saves you.

You'd be on the show to promote your new movie with Tom. You would stand and lean over while the host was talking to grab a drink off the table. You'd feel the fabric start to go up but were too busy fumbling with the drink to do anything. You'd then feel the fabric getting pulled back down, preventing an incident where you might have shown something. You would turn your head around to see Tom putting his hand down looking up at you.

"It was going too far up."

He would quickly explain. You'd nod and give him a soft smile before sitting back down. For the rest of the interview you'd be pulling at the fabric and keeping your legs closed. Tom would notice your discomfort.

"Hey, can we get her a blanket or something? To cover up."

He'd interrupt the interview and stand up. He'd look towards the producers and stage hands. After a minute of waiting Tom would just take off his jacket and place it on your lap. The audience would go crazy by his gesture.

"Thank you."

You would tell him. A grateful smile would grace your lips.

"No problem, darling."

He'd say while flashing you a smile. The audience would go crazy once again.

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